Dream Bound - Chapter Twenty-two

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                               Dream Bound

                         Chapter twenty-two

                                 day nineteen

    The three of us stood on the sidewalk of a busy street. Colton, I could tell, was far from happy about this. Cordelia had a guilty look on her face, but I could see the smirk hiding behind her sheepish smile. Taking my elbow, Colton pulled me off to the side, so that we could speak in private. Over Colton’s shoulder, I saw Cordelia making a face. Swallowing my laughter, I met Colton’s eyes questioningly.

    “I don’t trust her,” he said, tucking his hands into his pockets.

    “That’s normal,” I said, nodding understandingly. “You’re an angel and she’s a half-demon. The similarities don’t exist. You two are ancient enemies.”

    “That’s not what I meant.” He looked grim. “I don’t trust her at all. Period. She said so herself that reliving memories is bad, Ivy. And look where we are now? A memory.”

    He was right. I didn’t know where we were, or even what had happened here. Cordelia and Colton did, they remembered very well. I waited patiently for the older versions of Cordelia and Colton to come strolling down the very street we were on. Cordelia claimed that we would find Sarah here, which was part of the reason we were here. I kept an eye out for the pretty blonde, hoping to spot the living version of her, but to no avail.

    “I’m sure she has a very good reason for bringing us here. Sarah, for one. You said I should reign in my powers, remember?” I tossed a glance at Cordelia as I lowered my voice. “That’s exactly what we’re doing.”

    “Not like this,” he said lowly, giving me a dark look. Cordelia looked bored as she picked at her cuticles.

    “Enough chit-chat lovebirds. Angel boy, you should know the rules.”

    “Rules?” I lifted a brow. “What rules?”

    Colton sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “Ivy, there are rules. If we don’t abide by the rules, the archangels will be down our backs about it. Roaming of the past life isn’t a free-for-all. We have limited amounts of time each time we revisit something that’s already been lived,” he explained.

    Cordelia glided closer. “If we’re caught tampering, changing, or adjusting...we’ll be banned of our opportunities. Now, come on.”

    “As if she knows what she’s doing,” he said, as we fell into step behind the half-demon.

    “I can hear you, angel boy.”

    Colton didn’t say anything more. I could see the annoyance etched on his face, clear as day. The two of them went together like brother and sister. I knew I could trust Colton, but Cordelia? I was uncertain about that. The way she treated Sarah and the other spirits was questionable, but I had to admit the half-demon had a powerful essence; one I could probably learn from.

    We didn’t say anything more as we trekked down the street. Eventually, Cordelia took a sharp turn down a secluded alley. The road dropped off and gave way into grass. It took me a moment to notice the sprawling cemetery. It was situated behind two gray buildings. The lot sloped into a hill that climbed up, up, up; it disappeared into a large group of trees.

    Dingy tombstones were scattered everywhere, a few of them sinking backward into the soil. The strange thing was, Cordelia plowed forward as if she knew exactly where she was going. The set, determined look on her face told me she did know exactly where she was going. My stomach twisted uncomfortably as I tagged after Colton, stumbling over a tombstone half buried in dirt and leaves.

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