Dream Bound - Chapter Twenty-five

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                       Dream Bound

                    Chapter twenty-five

                    day twenty-eight

    The patrons were soaking up the head-bang worthy music, which is why I wasn’t surprised to hear chorused moans when the DJ cut the current song short. Static crackled out of the speakers, a dull beat of white noise. He fiddled with his mic, switching it on and off a few times before speaking.

    “Time to slow it down a bit,” he said, addressing the crowd. More moans came, although some gave polite claps. A thunderous vibrate of footsteps as the crowd outside parted, creating a manmade circle for eager couples. The song started up. I didn’t recognize it, but it was slow and sweet. Colton seemed to know the song, as a smile curved up on his lips. I knew what was coming far before he shifted. Drawing me into his arms, he put both hands on my hips.

    “Dance with me?” he asked, pulling us in a circle before I had a chance to answer. I laughed freely, interlacing my fingers against the back of his neck. Here in this dark room, away from everyone else, I was content. The headache, induced by the throbbing of pompous songs, began to fade. Despite the stench of the room, the secludedness of it provided for the perfect chance to apologize to Colton.

    “I’m sorry,” I said for the second time tonight. His gaze, which had been  focused elsewhere, met mine. A questionable look clouded his irises.

    “For what?” he asked, turning us in yet another graceful circle. Old memories resurfaced. I imagined myself in the flowing, beautiful black dress. It was far more appropriate for this moment. Suddenly, I wished we were in the hotel ballroom, dancing to nothing but our silent breaths and heartbeats.

    “Everything,” I told him. Considering we were stuck in a memory, I wasn’t aware of what time it was presently, but I assumed it was close to midnight. Midnight meant tomorrow, and tomorrow meant a new day. “We have four days left, Colton. Four days left to make this count.”

    Colton appeared mildly puzzled. “Make what count?”

    “This. Us. I know I’m not supposed to understand, but your offering can’t stray far from what’s here, right now. You wouldn’t tell me what you had to do, to please the archangels, but I’m sure I have a pretty good idea.”

    He lifted a brow. “Do you?”

    I nodded. I really didn’t, but I couldn’t tell him that. Maybe if he suspected I was already onto him, he’d just follow through and explain everything to me. We had four days left. Four minuscule, quick days. What more could happen? We’d already spent a month together. In the beginning, he was nothing but a mysterious stranger to me. To look back now, and see how far we’d come, I wanted to be in the know. The darkness no longer scared me, but rather enticed me.

    “I can’t tell you,” Colton said. His gaze drifted from mine, uneasy. I’d hit a nerve. Every time this conversation was brought up, it seemed I’d hit the same nerve. “I know that’s displeasing to you. And yeah, we have four days left. I’m not even sure four more days could help, Ivy. I feel as if I’ve gotten nowhere.”

    It was etched on his face, but I could almost feel the underlying pain that he was feeling. The archangels’ threat wasn’t something he could pass by so easily. He was lucky enough to even have been granted it. I knew it meant everything to him to redeem himself, and I didn’t want to be a burden. Clearly, he needed me as a piece in his game with the archangels. I knew that well enough. And yet, he had the hand eligible to move me. I had no say in this. I was simply to exist.

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