Dream Bound - Chapter Fifteen

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                                                 Dream Bound

                                                 Chapter Fifteen

                                                        day eight

    Footsteps scuffed across the ground. My mind was foggy with leftover sleep, numb from the residue of the narcotics nestled in my bloodstream. A cottony taste coated my mouth, leaving it uncomfortably dry. I tried swallowing once, twice and gave up after a third attempt.

    I waited for Colton to leave, so I could go back to sleep, but the footsteps scuttled closer. I was half-tempted to peel my eyelids open, but I felt too drained to command my body to do so.

    “Colton,” I muttered, vaguely aware of the throbbing in my arm, “go away.”

    Muffling a groan, I forced my eyes open. Hovering above me was something--no, someone--far from Colton. I reeled back, couch cushions nearly swallowing me up.

    “Scream, child, and I will use your head as a center piece,” the woman said. She was so pretty she was almost ugly; if that made any sense at all. My heart was straining against my ribs out of fear, blood pulsing through my veins at increasing speeds.

    Black tendrils stuck out in every direction on her head, some twisted into dreadlocks. Her pale face was angular, very prominent and sharp. The most appealing thing about her were her eyes: a turquoise color.

    “Who are you?” I whispered, voice still thick with sleep. Her lips, painted a ruby red, curled into a sly smile. She reached out; laughed when I flinched.

    “That is for me to know, and for you to wonder about.” Gently, she curved a long, sharp nail down my arm. She bent down, face so close to mine I could feel her hot breath on my skin. My stomach turned over. “Don’t be frightened, child. I haven’t come to hurt you. I’ve come to--”

    Out in the hall, footsteps met the carpet with audible thuds. She froze, standing over me rigidly. Swinging around, she scooted around the couch and ducked out of sight. Ears ringing, I ignored my blazing arm and lurched to my feet. It didn’t occur to me that the woman might be waiting for me behind the couch as I bolted.

    The leftover effects of the medicine swirled in my mind, battling wakefulness. I stumbled into the kitchen, bracing my hands against the counter. They were slick with sweat, almost causing me to slip. Colton, standing over the sink, spun around in surprise.

    “Ivy? What are you doing up? I thought--”

    “There’s a woman!” I exclaimed, lifting a trembling hand to my mouth. The thrill of seeing her had ignited a war inside; a war between excitement and sheer fright. I wasn’t sure if I should be happy that there was someone other than Colton and myself, or frightened that she had found us. My whole body was trembling, emotions slashing through me one by one.

    “A woman?” he repeated, disbelief written all over his face. Of course. This had to be the one time he didn’t believe me, of all times. With a forceful smack, I brought my hands down on the marble countertop.

    “A woman.” I risked a glance over my shoulder. He came around the center island, looking worried now. It could have been the medicine, or a sudden rush of adrenaline; my head suddenly felt woozy. I felt disconnected from my body.

    “Ivy, are you alright?” He rubbed his thumb over his lower lip. “You don’t look well.”

    “Don’t I?” I swayed a little, room tilting and shifting.

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