Dream Bound - Chapter Twenty

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                       Dream Bound

                     Chapter Twenty

                        day thirteen

    Starry-eyed, Colton stared at me. We sat crosslegged, a small circle of candles between us. The candles blazed heartily, throwing a warm glow across the penthouse livingroom floor. I tried to relax, hoping that if I did so, the tightness in my back would release. The buildup was causing a sharp, penetrating pain to pulsate between my eyes. I tried to ignore the throbbing as I met Colton’s eyes, drinking in the serenity that swam in his irises.

    Outside, the morning air was crisp and fresh. A cold, windy storm was moving in on the front; the skies had been painted a dull gray color. It didn’t faze me anymore that the beachy town of Waterton had long since froze over. With a fire blazing behind us, and the only other light coming from the candles, I was oddly content. The contentment covered me like a blanket, despite the fact we were about to tinker with my powers.  

    “Are you ready for this?” Colton asked me, dashing a finger through one of the dancing flames. He appeared to be almost mesmerized, staring at me in the way that I felt: content.

    “More than ready,” I assured him, resting my hands in my lap. I took the extra step to make sure they weren’t tightened into fists. Relaxation was the key. Nothing, nothing would go right if I was tense and nervous. It never did.

    “First, you have to take that off.” Colton gestured toward me, holding a hand out. A hand flew up to grasp the necklace I wore. His pendant, the one I’d had on for a few days now. The thought of removing it was distasteful.

    “Why?” I frowned, figuring he must want it back or something.

    “My presence alone is enough to scare them off. If you keep that on, it’ll act as a repellent.”

    “It doesn’t work very well,” I argued. “Those ghosts still came after me when I had this on.”

    “Probably because they didn’t take notice,” he countered. “Now that we’re pulling them in from the other side, they’ll see it and go back.”

    I hesitated, feeling that his reasoning was far-fetched.

    “Ivy,” he coaxed, his voice a silken tone. “Do you want this to work or not?”

    I sighed, slapping the necklace into his hand after unhooking it. He smiled a knowing smile, pocketing the silver chain. I watched it disappear beneath the material of his jeans, out of sight.

    “Can I have it back?” I asked, hope edging into my voice.

    “It’s probably best if you don’t...but we’ll see.” He nodded, inching forward. “No more stalling.”

    Reaching out, he clasped my hands in his, interlacing our fingers. White light clouded my vision, obscuring my view of everything. Temporarily blinded, I struggled.

    “Colton, I can’t see anything,” I gasped.

    “I know, just relax.” His voice was warm, sleepy sounding. I felt it, too. The light faded, but my vision remained slightly blurred around the edges. When he came into focus, I saw that there was a hazy smile on his face. Though I couldn’t see it, I could feel the heat of the light surrounding us.

    “What is that?” I whispered, awestruck.

    “My guardianship,” he responded. “If you were ever in serious danger, such danger that your life were on the line, this is what you’d feel.”

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