Dream Bound - Chapter Twenty-four

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                              Dream Bound

                          Chapter twenty-four

                           day twenty-seven

The snow was coming down harder, and I knew if I didn’t get back to the penthouse, I would see the worst of it. Tightening my coat around me, I gathered my courage and set off back down the mountain. My tracks were still visible, though it was getting harder to pick them out. I blinked heavy snowflakes out of my eyes, wiping my hand across my face to brush away what remained. I shivered, silently cursing myself for not dressing warmer.

    My toes and fingers were numb. I could no longer feel my nose or ears. As far as I was concerned, that wasn’t a good thing. Coldwater Falls loomed into my line of sight, the pounding of the water against the swimming hole atrociously loud. I shivered again, forcing my steps to become bigger and heavy-footed. The more force I put behind my foot connecting with the ground, the more feeling returned to it.

    I kept my hands tucked inside the sleeves of my jacket, chin tucked into the scarf wrapped around my neck. My ears, though covered by my hair and hat, would take quite some time to thaw out.

    I nearly cried tears of joy when I reached the hotel. Inside, it was cold and dark. I made my way over to the stairs, forgoing the elevator. Shoving open the door, I peered up the dark stairwell, second-guessing myself. Then, the Amazon-like woman’s words trickled back into my head. You must find him, Ivy, before his time is up. It is in your best interest to help your guardian angel.  

    I hauled myself up the stairs, using the railing to propel me faster. I was out of breath by the time I reached the final landing, breathing hard. The penthouse door, as usual, was unlocked. I shoved it open, lurching inside.

    “Colton?” I cried, undoing my scarf. I tossed my scarf and cap aside, unbuttoning my coat as I hurried into the kitchen. The kitchen light was on, spilling across the hallway floor. A figure sat at the kitchen table, sipping something out of a mug.

    It was Cordelia. Deep down inside, I knew I would find her here, instead of him.

    “Where is he?” I asked her, just as the Amazon woman had asked me only an hour earlier. My fingers stung--the blood trickling back into them as my body returned to its normal temperature. She took another long sip.

    “He left.”


    “Like you told him to, child. He left.”

    I clutched my jacket to my chest, having just taken it off.

    “You mean-?”

    She nodded her head, eyes trained on my face. “Heaven is the first place I looked when I realized his presence on earth was gone.”

    Unable to stand, I sank into the chair across from her.

    “I don’t understand why he would...I mean I told...” I trailed off, swallowing my words. I wouldn’t hold it against Cordelia not to blame me. If I told her I’d told Colton I’d wanted some alone time, she would immediately pounce on me. She’d tell me I’d made a mistake, and that I should’ve went to her first before setting it in stone.

    She lowered her mug. “Dear God, child, what did you do?”

    Tears stung my eyes. “I didn’t do anything. At least, I don’t think I did!” You’re too late, you selfish pig, sneered a voice in my mind. I was too late. I had wanted alone time, and he had given it to me. Indefinitely. I realized this with a gasp as I jumped out of my chair.

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