Dream Bound - Chapter Nine

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                                        Dream Bound

                                         Chapter Nine

                                              day four

  Death. The severity of the word sent my mind reeling, but I could feel its relentless clutches nonetheless. I was dead. Or so I thought. I couldn’t vouch for myself, not until I had my hands on some solid proof that my existence had retired. A pregnant pause stained the air around me as I struggled to grapple onto...anything.

    Beneath me, the pleasant feeling of warm leather kissed my skin. A sigh deflated my chest as my eyes opened, eyelids lifting heavily. Darkness. It wasn’t as terrifying as ‘death’ but it wasn’t much of an improvement. Then, I realized I had my inner arm pressed over face. I flung it aside, flinching at the sudden glare of light.

    Sunlight tinged with silvery rays filled the car, making it hard to see much of anything. I forced myself to sit up, palms sticking to the seat. It was a relief to see that I was sprawled -- ungracefully -- across the back seat of the Mercedes. One thing led to another. Colton had brought me out here. When and why, those two questions remained out of reach. The only thing I could do now was fetch some answers.

    Scrambling to my knees, I crawled across the seat -- dodging boxes and junk -- and fumbled with the locked door. The door popped open, spitting me out onto the asphalt. Straightening my shirt, I raised my head and glanced around. His lean figure was positioned against the Mercedes’ nose -- nonchalant and lazy.

    As soon as my shoes scratched against the ground, he moved. He turned, gaze immediately landing on me. I stopped, then, feeling oddly cautious.

    Wasting no time, he said, “What do you remember? Anything?”

    Scrunching my nose, I struggled with a response.

    “Should I remember anything?” My voice piqued with interest. I ruled out alcohol. I wasn’t hung over, and there was no way Colton would have allowed me to drink senselessly. Had I fallen and hit my head? Now, that was a strong possibility.

    What appeared to be relief, a look painted across his face. It vanished as quickly as it formed, though. For a second, I wondered if I imagined the look.

    “No,” he finally responded, jaw working. “You shouldn’t.”

    “Um...” The corners of my lips deepened into a frown. “Let me guess. I fell off the roof of the bar, you failed to save me, which resulted in a thankfully minor concussion.” It was logical, to me, at least.

    A hint of a smile pulled at his lips, but he shook his head. “Nope.”

    Though I found it highly impossible, my earlier theory resurfaced. “Did we drink? Was it a lame duo party between just the two of us?”

    Now, the smile was fully evident. “Not even close.”

    Frustration swamped my emotions. “Tell me what happened.”

    “Nothing happened.”

    “Something did,” I countered. “We were up there--” I pointed to the bar’s roof, “and I woke up in here.” Lowering my hand, I patted the Mercedes’ glossy roof.

    He dragged a hand down his face, inhaling slowly. “Ivy...” His voice was quiet, almost an undertone of a warning.

    I crossed my arms, refusing to be shut out. “Colton, if you don’t tell me, I swear I’ll--”

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