Dream Bound - Chapter Five

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                                          Dream Bound

                                           Chapter Five

                                              day three

Colton stared at me as if he couldn't believe I had punched him in the face. I wouldn't believe it either if my hand hadn't been throbbing right now. My fist had connected with his jaw, but he hadn't even budged an inch. He stood in the same position, feet shoulder width apart, hands cautiously raised.   

“Are you going to hit me again?” he inquired, his tone careful. I growled under my breath, absolutely furious with him. I, for one, could not believe he had the nerve to kiss me!  

“I don't know,” I spat. “Are you going to kiss me again?” His smooth, impassive face broke into a smirk. He lowered his hands, stance relaxing visibly.

 “I'd like to,” he commented, as if I was asking him to kiss me again. Infuriated, I launched myself at him. Our bodies collided, but only I was jolted. Shock rolled through me as I smashed right into his solid, warm chest.

 I raised my fists and began beating them down on his chest repeatedly, hoping to inflict some damage on that perfect, sculpted body of his. At first, he did nothing and stood there, watching me.

 “Feel something!” I cried. “I hate you!” At those three words, he snatched my hands in his, ceasing my blows. Breathing hard, I staggered a step back, yanking my hands from his grip. Dark eyes narrowed, he peered down at me. Good, he looked slightly annoyed now.

 “You've known me all of two days,” he started – though it sounded like a lie, crossing his arms. “How the hell can you hate me?” I swallowed back an army of colorful words and lifted my chin, leveling our gazes.

 “Because,” I snapped. “You kissed me, you prick!”

 He rolled his eyes, “Oh please, like you haven't–” He stopped then, pressing his lips into a thin line. A look of desperation, and frustration crossed his face. It happened so quickly I was certain I had imagined it. I planted my feet firmly in place, keeping my arms down at my sides.

I wanted so badly to hit him again, but my hands were hurting enough as it is.

“I haven't what?” I taunted in a snippy tone.

 "Nothing," he mumbled, looking away.

 “Tell me.”


Tell me.”


“Yes!” I screeched, flinging myself at him once more. I shot my fist towards his chest, but he deflected my hit before it could land.

 “Would you stop?” His voice rose an octave. I flinched and pulled back. My hands were trembling, as well as my legs. His brows furrowed in, as he glared straight at me. Now he looked infuriated.

 “I didn't do anything,” I argued, folding my arms over my chest.

 His lips parted slightly, “Yes you did, Ivy!”

 “Alright, what did I do to you?” I questioned, rolling my eyes.

 “You're lucky you're like a kitten.” His eyes narrowed as he pulled a hand through his hair. He turned away from me, so that I was looking at him from the side. He looked out over the edge of the cliff, jaw clenched.

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