Dream Bound - Chapter Twenty-one

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                                       Dream Bound

                                 Chapter Twenty-one

                                        day fifteen

    A rustling stirred in the air, sending wisps of my ebony hair across my cheek. The tickling sensation they brought to my skin sent a series of chills rolling down my spine. Eyes still closed, I relished in the warmth and comfort of waking up slowly, naturally. I allowed myself a few more minutes of tranquility, lazily deciding whether or not I was going to fall back asleep. When my stomach grumbled hungrily, I made up my mind. The morning light was dulled by last night’s fresh, downy layer of snow.

    I glanced upwards sharply, frozen. Colton’s arms were wrapped around me, one leg thrown over mine. He was breathing softly, seemingly asleep. Moving gingerly, I lifted the blanket. I couldn’t suppress the sigh of relief at seeing that we were both fully clothed. I lowered the blanket, pressing myself closer, praying he wouldn’t notice.

    “How’d you sleep?”

    I shut my eyes briefly, feeling the corners of my lips twitch.

    “Fine, and you?” Propping myself up on my elbow, I gazed down at him. He smiled in greeting, arm sliding from my ribs to my hip.

    “I didn’t sleep.”

    “At all?” I frowned, wondering whether or not that affected him. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it. His opaque eyes, endless in their depths, didn’t look tired. They looked curious and alert.

    “Not really.” He shrugged, sitting up a little. “I was too content to throw away hours of this for sleep.”

    A hot blush crept up the back of my neck. “Of this? Us?” I asked, indicating the fact that we were still tangled up with no signs of readjusting anytime soon. A lazy smile crossed his lips as he nodded.

    “You were talking in your sleep.”

    Oh, dear God. What could I have said? I probably went on and on about senseless crap, I thought with an internal groan.

    “What did I say?”

    “You kept saying, “I know, I know,” over and over again,” he responded, twisting a lock of my hair around his index finger. He gave a gentle tug, allowing the strand to unwind and sweep back into place.

    “Why?” I murmured.

    He shrugged again, “I can’t read your mind, Ivy. As much as I’d like to.”

    Thank God.

    “Fortunately.” I smiled.

    Then, whatever I dreamt of, came rushing back in quick flashes. I sat up a little straighter, vision locked on the images racing through my head. Images of me and Colton, from Freshmen year. A black, swirling dress. The sound of glass shattering. The feeling of falling, falling, falling. A set of dark, mysterious eyes.

    The images halted abruptly, a sharp pain pulsating between my eyes. I winced, smashing my palms against my eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes, a reaction to the unexpected pain.

    “Ivy, are you okay?” Colton asked urgently, his hand resting on my shoulder. When the pain subsided, I looked at him. My hands trembled. I pulled myself to my knees, sitting forward on my shins.

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