Dream Bound - Chapter Six

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                                         Dream Bound

                                           Chapter Six

                                             day three

Colton was hovering. He was hovering. We stared at one another, unmoving. Well, that was a lie. Colton was moving, all the while staying in one place. I took this brief moment of awe to stare. Even if he noticed, I stared. Wings protruded from his back, long and graceful. They had to be at least thirteen feet in length. They were wide in width, too, but I wasn't sure by how much. In contrast to his black hair, they were a silvery white color, and glistened resplendently.

 They beat soundlessly, pushing against the air without effort. They kept him afloat, suspended midair. His arms hung gently at his sides, his hands curled into loose fists. I couldn't pull my gaze away, try as I might. Blood rushed past my ears as oxygen was carried to my brain in result of the sudden deep breath I took. The haze was somewhat lifted, but not by much.

 “Ivy?” he finally questioned, dark eyes never leaving mine. I swallowed hard, silently willing myself to move. I couldn't, and it seemed as if I was nailed to the spot. “I thought you were sleeping.”

 Vaguely aware of my neck straining as I nodded I said, “Yeah. I was.” I put crucial emphasis on the past tense, hinting at the fact that it was normal to be awake now, considering the fact that the sun was once again making its appearance.

 Colton dragged a hand through his hair. He looked oddly defeated, which sort of made sense. If this was some joke, it wouldn't have mattered. But the odds were high against the possibility of a joke. I could see that he was searching for a way to explain this logically.

 He spoke, “I can explain.” I almost laughed at the irony of his words, but found it impossible to form any laughter. Words alone seemed to have died in my mouth, shriveled up and burst into nothing. After I had failed to respond, he lowered himself.

 When his feet touched down, a whooshing sound filled the silent air. His wings retreated, disappearing altogether. Without a beat of hesitation, he strode forward, hands raised. When he was close enough, he reached for me. I flinched back, feeling the Mercedes flush against my back. He froze, taking notice of my resistance. He stopped then, the tips of his shoes inches from mine.

 “I can explain,” he repeated. I found it hard to look away. His gaze was mesmerizing and seemed to pull me inwards. A sensation of falling tugged at my body, and suddenly Colton was closer than he had been. His hands closed around my lower back, his chest pressed against my shoulder. Dizzily, I struggled to straighten myself. “Why don't we sit first,” he added. Reaching around, he opened the passenger door and tucked me inside.

 I sat staring at the dash, my pulse thrumming in my ears as he went around to the other side and climbed in. I lifted my head, looking straight at him as he pulled his door shut. He met my gaze cautiously, his hands resting atop his legs.

 “You okay?”

 I nodded numbly, “Explain.”

 He sighed, pushing a hand through his hair, “I will, but I must warn you; there's only so much I can say, Ivy. What you saw wasn't a joke, nor was it fake, unfortunately. I have wings, I can fly. In a way, I'm not human.”

 I didn't look at him now. I couldn't. “So you're an...angel?” I tried, my voice sounding very small and feeble.

 He pulled a face, one I couldn't decipher. “Not exactly. I'm what they call a fallen angel.” A low bell began ringing in my ears at the familiarity of those two words. Somewhere in time I'd come across those words, but I couldn't recall where.

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