Dream Bound - Chapter Fourteen

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                                          Dream Bound

                                       Chapter Fourteen

                                              day eight

    “Wow,” I breathed, air mask clutched in one hand, at my side. I could see the rocky mountain through the strands of white water. The bank we were standing on was damp, the air around us a little less chilly.

    “So...this is where your mysterious cave led us, huh?” Colton turned a smile my way, shaking the excess water from his mask. He shucked off his tank, rolling his shoulders back as he did so. I did the same, relieved to have the heavy hunk of metal off my shoulders.

    Colton crossed the bank, thrusting a hand out. His fingertips danced along the racing water, spraying mist across his chest.

    “Coldwater Falls,” I began, rubbing my arms, “certainly lives up to its name.”

    Although the air wasn’t as frigid, I had to remind myself that it was December, not summer vacation. As much as I wished it was...

    “Come here.” Colton’s voice rang into my thoughts, breaking my concentration. I sat my mask down, hurrying over to him. He grabbed my hand, tugging it out. For a moment, I feared he was going to toss me through the waterfall. I froze, muscles locking in place. He frowned, thrusting my hand beneath the water. “Relax, would you?”

    “Sorry,” I muttered, eyes fluttering closed. I concentrated on the feeling of the rush of the water pushing against my arm. I struggled to keep my arm outstretched -- with the force of the water rushing over the edge, it was quite a task.

    Colton looked on, wetsuit-clad arms folded over his chest. A moment later, and my stomach grumbled loudly.

    “Way to ruin such a perfect moment.” A blazing grin came my way.

    I lifted a brow. “I’m standing here holding my arm under a waterfall.”

    “It’s the beauty of nature,” he shot back, a playful glint in his irises.

    “Yeah, sure,” I muttered, pulling my arm away from the water. “Can we go eat now? Besides, I’m freezing. This wetsuit does next to nothing.” I plucked at the slick material.

    “Better hope our tanks have enough air to last us...” A terrorizing smile. A sliver of fear snaked through me.

    “Can’t we just dive through the waterfall?”

    “And take the easy way out?” Colton smirked.  

    He was trying to make himself look like the bigger person.

    I snorted, “Not necessarily. I mean--”

    “Besides...” he cut me off, lifting a hand. “I doubt that’s even safe.”

    “What do you mean?” I frowned, not quite understanding.

    “The force of the waterfall could be enough to hold you under.  Me? Not so much.”

    Bending over, I picked up my air ask. “I’m going.” I shot him one last look that said You coming?

    He stood rooted in place as I made my way across the slippery bank. I kept my hand against the rock wall for support.

Dream Bound: Book One | ✓ [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now