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*Cara's POV*

"Trouble in paradise? Oh shit. Not again! I'm laying on my bed in my old apartment again crying when Trevor says "Let's get you ready for bed beautiful" I then feel hands on my waist pulling my shirt up, followed by kisses on my bare skin. He pulled my shirt off over my head and quickly removed my bra. His hand traveled to my small breasts, cupping them in his hands as his mouth took in my nipple. He switched to my other breast, repeating the process, but then starts to unbutton my shorts. He removes my breast from his mouth, kissing my bare skin down towards my shorts. He rips my shorts off of my body, any gentleness gone at this point. I'm crying and begging him to stop, but he grabs my wrists, holding them down at my sides while resting his weight on my legs to prevent me from kicking him. "You're not going anywhere beautiful! Not until I fuck you!" I start squirming and fighting but he's too strong for me. "You can do this the easy way by getting wet for me, or the hard way. Either way, I'm getting what I want tonight." He grabs both wrists in one strong grip and uses the other to pull my panties aside and push his fingers inside me. I start to scream.

"Cara! Angel! Its okay, its okay. I got you baby." I hear Michael whisper in my ear. I'm covered in sweat, my hair sticking to my head, and tears are pouring down my face. I don't know how long I was crying in my sleep, but it must've been awhile.

I turn around to face Michael and bury my head in his chest. Will I ever stop doing this? I cry way too much around him. I need him way too often. This can't be healthy and he has to be getting sick of it by now. I'm pushing him away, I'm sure of it. I don't ever want that to happen.

"Please don't leave me Michael!" I sob, "I'll do anything, just please don't leave. I'm sorry!"

"You have no reason to be sorry angel. Here, let's go in my room for a bit, yeah?" he asks. I nod and he helps me stand up. He bends over, putting one arm under my knees and picks me up, carrying me bridal style and gently places me on his bed. A moment later there's a light knock and Regan hands him a cold wet washcloth. She whispers something in his ear and his lips purse into a tight line and he nods. Regan looks at me with a loving smile then goes back to the living room, closing the door behind her.

Michael climbs into his bed, resting his back against his headboard and brings me in closer to him. He uses the cloth to wipe the sweat away before he asks, "what else did you remember?"

I start crying again before telling him, "he was so mean. He held me down. I couldn't move. He took off my shorts and, and, and... Fingered me. I didn't want him to. I tried to get him off. I really did, Michael. He was just too strong. I'm so sorry!"

"Angel baby no. Its not your fault. Don't apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm here. I won't ever leave you," he said as he kissed my forehead. I hope he's telling the truth, but its too hard to believe. Everyone always leaves. I can't let him go. I no longer have any doubt in my mind. I love Michael Clifford.


*Michael's POV*

I woke up to beautiful gray eyes staring at me while she was playing with my hair.

"Good morning Mikey," she said. Her morning voice was such a turn on. I could really get used to this.

"Good morning angel." I started to play with her curls and we just gazed in each others eyes until we heard Ashton bang on the door, "Wake up lovebirds. It's time to go!"

As he peeked his head in the door, I threw a pillow at him. "We're coming, okay?" I said. He just giggled. "I thought she'd be louder than that then!" And quickly shut the door as she yelled, "Asshole!"

"But you know you love me!" he yelled back, his voice trailing down the hallway. She just shook her head and started to get up from my bed.

Before she could, I took her hand and told her to wait a minute. She was sitting up in my bed, so I said in front of her with my legs crossed.

"I've been trying to figure out the best time to ask you something, but I'd rather know before we leave," I started. I took a deep breath, scratching the back of my neck nervously, then took both her hands in mine.

"I know that you have a lot going on in your mind, a lot of things you're trying to work through. I told you before that I'm here to listen. I'm here to help. I want to help you. I know its going to take time, and you don't trust anyone, but you can trust me. I will never intentionally hurt you Cara. You mean too much to me. You may be 'broken' as you call it, but I like you just the way you are. Let me help you become a stronger, happier person. I know you're afraid that I'm going to leave you, but I won't. I can't. I'm too far into this to do that. Nothing you do or say can ever push me away from you." A tear fell from her and a wiped it away with my thumb.

"Cara, will you be my girlfriend?"

A smile formed on her face as she said, "Yes Mikey! I definitely will be your girlfriend!" I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. As I looked into her eyes, they seemed to turn a green color. This is new! I can't wait to figure out this color!

I wrapped my arms around her waist as she placed her hands around my neck. We leaned in together and we kissed each other with all the passion and love we were feeling.

A few minutes later, the door burst open and we turned our heads to see Regan shouting out, "It's about damn time!!" excitedly. "Now let's go to Uncle Pete's!"

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