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3 years later

*Cara's POV*

We sign the last of the huge stack and are handed the keys. "Congratulations Mr and Mrs Clifford!" the realtor tells us. We shake hands and leave the office, new house keys in hand.

We pull up the long driveway hidden by trees and pull into the clearing of our new home and Michael quickly jumps out of the car and runs around to my side to help me out of the car.

He skips up to the front door while I waddle. He unlocks the door and opens it wide. "I told you we'd buy a house out here one day and raise our family here!" He places his arms under my arms and gently lifts me up and over the threshold.

"You're such a dork Mikey!"

"I'm not taking any chances angel! Once little Fletcher James here is born," he says while rubbing my belly, "I'll carry you over properly!" I just laugh, knowing he will.

"Can we have Ash and Luke bring the couch over now? I need to sit!"

"I texted them when we left the realtor's office. They should be here soon. They already had it loaded in Ash's van."

He lifts me up and sits me on the island countertop in the kitchen. "That better angel?"

"Yup. I like this too, because I'm the same height as you! I pull him in for a kiss that quickly heightens. Suddenly I have to stop.


"Are you okay?" He panics. I try not to laugh because it's so sweet but it's so funny!

"Mikey honey, he just kicked me! I'm not going into labor! We still have time!" I pull him back in for another kiss until the doorbell rings. I groan as he pulls away to answer it.

"Do NOT get off this counter by yourself! I'll be right back!" he yells running to the door. "Right in here, anywhere for now. She just needs to sit." Now that the couch is in the house, I yell out,


"HELL NO! NOT AGAIN! I'M OUTTA HERE!" I burst out laughing.

"JUST KIDDING! Ashy? Mikey? Lukey? Someone come help me off this counter pleeease?"

Luke comes in and helps me down and I waddle into the great room that's right off the foyer. Ashton and Michael are trying to figure out where to put it when Michael sees me and scowls.

"I told you to stay put!"

"Lukey helped me down!"
Luke leans over and whispers in my ear "Overprotective much?"
"You have no idea!" and we both laugh.

"Just put it under the window, Mikey! Ow! Dang it Fletch, you're getting strong!"

They finish moving it under the window and it looks perfect. I love it! I go and sit, and I'm instantly squashed between Michael and Ashton. Michael starts rubbing my shoulders and Ashton is rubbing my stomach talking to the baby when Karen and Daryl come in.

"Aww isn't this the cutest thing ever?!" Karen coos. I smile at her because honestly, does it really get any better than this?! "How are you feeling sweetie?" she asks me.

I have good days and bad days. Good days I feel like normal me; bad days like today I can't stand for five minutes without getting kicked in the ribs, my back hurting, my feet hurting... But it's not going to be much longer."

"Then we need to get you moved in quick!"

Luke looks up from his phone. "Ben and Jack are on their way with the nursery stuff. Regan and Calum are working on the kitchen stuff. Ash, we need to go work on their bedroom stuff."

"Okay, we'll be back guys!" and they dart out the door. I move myself between Michael's legs to make room on the couch and lean back against him. Before I know it, I'm asleep.

I'm woken up a few hours later by the sounds of a house full of people moving furniture up the stairs. I'm still leaning on Michael who's also asleep. Karen is directing everyone on what goes where. It's a good thing we brought her out here once to show her the house so she knows which room is which.

It's only taken two weeks to get everything moved over and completely unpacked and put away. We bought more furniture so everyone can be here without having to sit on the floor. Everyone is here together for the first time since moving day and it's great to be together, but I have been having light pains all day. I get up to go to the bathroom for the tenth time in two hours, literally, when suddenly I'm soaked.


"Everything okay angel?"

"Um, my water just broke. I need a towel."

"Holy shit really? Oh my god! Um okay, we need the bags..."

"MIKEY! A towel?"

"Right! Towel!" He runs and grabs me a towel then runs up the stairs for our bags. I come out of the bathroom, towel between my legs, and everyone is in their own conversations, oblivious to Michael and I. Suddenly those pains make themselves known for what they really are... contractions. "Fuck!" I cry out. I'm not even going to try to get their attention the nice way.

"GUYS! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Works every time. Michael comes running down the stairs, bags and car seat in hand. "IT'S TIME. LET'S GO!" I yell at them and Michael and I head out the door.

24 hours later my hospital room is packed with family and friends all taking turns holding Fletcher. Ashton had a 5SOS onesie made for him.

"He has to have his newborn pictures in a 5SOS shirt! I need to show off my godson the right way!" He whines until I give in.

Michael is sitting in the chair next to me holding my hand when I get Fletcher back. We sit there staring at our beautiful baby boy. He looks just like Michael but with my eyes.

"He's perfect."

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