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*Cara's POV*

"Oh shit, what if my voice cracks?"
"What if I break a drumstick?"
"What if a string breaks?"
"What if I forget my lyrics?

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" I yell. All four of them shut up instantly and froze, staring at me wide eyed with mouths hanging open. I very seldom actually yell. I'll scream with excitement, or I have yelled at Michael a time or two when he's being stupid, but never have I yelled with authority at them. They're driving me crazy! It's 30 minutes before they perform and they're all freaking out!

"What if, what if, what if... Okay. Yes, things may go wrong, but panicking won't help. It will make them more likely to happen! Luke, if your voice cracks, keep going and don't think about it. TRUST ME, they'll love it. I promise. Ashton, if you break a drumstick, toss it down and grab an extra from your back pocket. That's why you keep extra on you. Calum, if you forget lyrics, you have three others here who will back you up. You guys are a team. A band. Mikey, honey, you ignore it and keep going until someone can switch out your guitars."

"What would you guys tell me if I was the one freaking out? What if I break my camera, what if the flash goes off, what if my settings are all wrong, what if I don't get a single good shot, what if my battery dies? There are tons of things that could go wrong for me, too."

"But those things won't happen to you Cara, cause you're freaking awesome!" Ashton answers.

"And so are you guys! Do you see what I'm saying? My point is not to worry about what can go wrong. This is the start of your DREAM! This is what you guys were born to do!"

"Thank you Cara," Luke said giving me a shaky hug. "You got this Luke! Don't be nervous. Your voice is amazing!" "Thank you." As Luke walks away to do his vocal warmups, Calum came and gave me a quick hug. "Thanks Care! I needed that." "You're welcome Cal." and we went back over where he was, practicing chords. Ashton walked up to me next and gave me a tight hug. "Thank you so much Cara. I usually can keep them in order when I need to, but this really means a lot to us, ya know? This is a big deal for us."

"I know it is Ashton, but you guys are going to do great. I can feel it. You are amazingly talented and it's time to show the world!" He gleamed his signature smile and gave me one last hug before walking away. Mikey was watching these interactions from a little ways away, beaming with pride the entire time. I walked over to him and leaned over and gave me a peck on the lips. "You were awesome angel! You make me so proud!"

"And you make me proud, too. I could watch you play for hours, and your voice makes me weak in the knees!"

"I know something else that makes you weak in more than just your knees" he whispered in my ear. Oh my god, he knows exactly what he's doing to me right now.

"Michael Gordon Clifford!" I smack him playfully on the arm; he starts laughing. "Get that out of your mind right now! Otherwise you're going to look at me out there and lose focus and screw up!" That knocked some sense into him. He knows I'm right. I know I'm blushing, because I also know it's true.

"5 minutes!" one of the employees calls to us.

I pull him in and connect my lips to his briefly before removing myself from him and start to head out to my spot to photograph the concert. Right before I head out the door I turn to the four guys who have become my best friends and family and say, "Go kick some ass boys!" and head out the door.

I head out and take a few test shots to triple check my settings. Concerts are much harder to shoot because you need special lenses that open wide enough, along with finding the right balance of other settings, but I am really excited for it! I get a few shots of the crowd. I really hope they do okay. There's at least 100 people if not more here! Having my camera allows me to clear a space in front of the stage.

The lights go out and then a spotlight shines and Ashton comes out, drumsticks in hand, arms high in air waving. His notorious Ashton Irwin smile on his face and I get a shot. As he sits at his drums, he strikes a beat; another shot. A second spotlight comes on and Ashton bangs his drums again. Out comes a nervous Calum trying to act cocky. To everyone else, he just seems cocky, but I know him too well! I get a couple shots as he goes to his microphone. A third spotlight comes on and Ashton bangs the drum as Michael comes strutting onto the stage. He looks amazing on stage. Natural, relaxed, and happy! I can see the little cues I'm tuned into that he's slightly nervous, but he's not showing the crowd. I take a ton of shots because, well, he's my boyfriend, duh! Then all the stage lights come on, Ashton hitting his drums again and Luke comes out waving. I take a few shots and he steps up to the microphone.

"Hi everyone! We are 5 Seconds of Summer! Is everyone ready to rock tonight? The crowd screams and Ashton yells, "Let's do it!"

Ashton sets the beat with his sticks then they erupt into Out of My Limit, followed by Kiss Me Kiss Me. Michael keeps his eyes on me most of the time, as I takes my photos. Since I've been listening to them practice so much, I know exactly when to switch from one of the guys to another. They sound great! Next is Social Casualty and all the guys have loosened up and are moving around, really getting into it. My biggest problem is that I get caught up watching Michael play! They play Heartache on the Big Screen, then they announce they want to slow it down a bit and play Long Way Home. Michael watches me during his solo and I know I have the biggest smile in the whole building. At And you know I'd never let you down he winks at me. Yes I got the shot, and its mine to keep! They played Never Be then ended with Don't Stop. After the song ended, Ashton yelled "We're 5 Seconds of Summer Thank you and Good night! They all lined up at the front of the stage, arms over each others shoulders and bowed together then walked off the stage. The crowd was going crazy. They loved them! I am so proud of the boys!

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