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*Cara's POV*

I used soundcheck to take test shots, making sure to get the right angles and practice my timing. The sound system is spectacular and all their voices sound so good. I'm so proud of them! We all go back into the dressing room to relax before they go out on stage. There's a lot more that goes on backstage than I ever realized. People are buzzing around everywhere getting everything set up, going over the schedule, where security needs to be, who's allowed where...

As it gets closer to the time for the guys to go out on stage, Luke is the first to start freaking out. I knew this was coming! Here we go again! Once Luke starts, the others slowly start freaking out too. I tried calming them down as the anxieties rose, but with these four it doesn't seem to work. Harry comes in to wish them luck and freezes when he sees their nervous state. I chuckle at his expression and walk over to him.

"They'll be fine," I tell him. He looks confused. "Don't worry about them. I got this!" A head pops in "10 minutes!" That's my cue.

"GUYS!!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Again, they freeze and instant silence fills the room. Works every time! "Do we need another pep talk?" I ask and get five, not just four but five, nods. Harry wants to see this! I start one by one addressing each of my guys with the concerns they've been voicing for the past 15 minutes.

"Luke, what did I tell you before? Your voice cracks are sexy, don't try it but if it happens, don't sweat it. They'll love it. Calum, don't think about the lyrics! That's when you forget. Pick one spot out there, the mix, a pillar, anywhere and picture Regan. Ash, you have two extra sets of sticks in your pockets. If you have to stop the show, make a joke out of it. If you get the crowd laughing, it can only be good. Mikey honey, there are guys all over the side stage with extra guitars. You just turn to them and they'll swap out immediately if something happens. Its a live concert. The fans know shit happens. They live for it because that's what makes one show different and memorable from the others. Yes there are a lot more people out there than you're used to, but whether it's 200 or 12000, they're fans just the same."

"But what if there's a BUG?" Only you, Ashton!

"Then you make a joke out of it! 'Look, the bug likes my drum kit as much as I do' Laughter, remember? Your giggle is contagious."

"5 minutes!" The head pops in again.

"This is your dream! You're living it! Now go kill it! I've got to get set up, but I'll be right there too!" I give Michael a kiss before I head out, knowing it calms him down, then dart out to the pit, catching Harry's gaping mouth as I do. Yeah, I know I kick ass!

I make it out to where I wanted to start out the shots just in time to get Ashton's first strike of the drum. He glances at me and his famous Ashton Irwin smile forms on his face. He's got this now! Calum is next and he immediately looks to me. I nod once and smile as he plasters his fake cocky from on his face. I know it's his nervous smile, but he can do it. Michael is next and he looks to me and smiles. I know he'll be watching me for the first song until he's comfortable and I'm totally loving that idea, especially hearing these girls around me screaming his name. Luke walk out stiffly, takes a deep breath and winks at me. I know he's good now! "HELLO LOS ANGELES!" He yells. I hear the excitement in his voice and can see the transformation in the other three as excitement replaces their nerves. Luke introduces themselves and they begin playing "Out Of My Limit" then "Lost Boy". They've all loosened up and are running around the stage being their goofy selves! There's the 5SOS I know and love! I almost forget that I'm supposed to be taking pictures when Michael starts his solo in Voodoo Doll. That's become one of my favorites. They play Over and Over, Heartbreak Girl, then their cover of Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. They finish off with Try Hard and the fans are going insane. They come to the front of the stage and take their final bow, then head backstage. I make my way back there and am instantly in the center of a big, sweaty, smelly group hug.

"Okay! Tour rule #1! No touching Cara until after showers!" I exclaim, laughing.

"You guys killed it!! Did you hear the crowd?! They loved you!!!! I am so so so proud of you guys!!" They continue talking amongst themselves full of excitement and then Michael yells, "I call shower first for all of tour! I need Cara asap!" and darts off to the shower. I roll my eyes and shake my head laughing.

Harry sneaks up behind me saying, "You're genius! The way you shut them up and got them to perform like veterans out there... You're the tour goddess!" He chuckled then walked away.

I continued talking with the guys about the concert until Michael came back and Ashton claimed next. "Now I can have a hug?" he asks me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a long slow kiss.

"I am so proud of you."

Bad Dreams //mgcWhere stories live. Discover now