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*Michael's POV*

We're all at Regan and Cara's townhouse watching Dick Clark's New Years Eve show, waiting for the ball to drop. The TV is muted and we have Spotify running through the surround sound. Cara allowed herself one beer and it helped her loosen up a small amount. I kept myself to plain Coke, the deal I made with her so that she would allow herself one drink. I don't mind at all. I'm really enjoying watching her and Regan have fun. They've been dancing for the past hour to Green Day, All Time Low, Marianas Trench, as well as the classic 80s hairbands (Bon Jovi and Def Leppard are her favorites) and everything in between like Good Charlotte and Blink 182, as well as AC/DC and Eminem. Her taste in music is spot on.

It's finally time to watch the ball drop, so we turn off the music and unmute the TV. We yell the countdown along with everyone on the screen. "10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" I lean over and give Cara a kiss. Calum does the same to Regan while Ashton and Luke look around.

"Ah hell! Happy New Year Luke!" Ashton says and grabs Luke's waist, dips him down and gives him a big kiss on the lips!

"Dude! Gross! I love you and all but did you really need to do that?!" Luke says. We're all laughing.

"Pay up Regan! Cara! I told you Ashton would do that!" That made us laugh even harder. Regan pours everyone a glass of champagne except for Cara and I. We got sparkling apple cider. Ashton leads the toast,

"To newfound friendships, families, and bands! Here's to a great year ahead!"

Cara's phone vibrated from a text from a number I don't recognize, but it's not in her contacts. "Happy New Year Beautiful!" it reads. I look away, trying to contain the jealousy I feel creeping in before I know what this is about.

Cara picks up her phone and sits on the couch. When she sees the text, her lips tighten into a fine line and her eyes narrow. She replies quickly, throws it on the couch next to her and gets up for another water. I glance down, curiosity killing me and see her reply

To unknown number

I can't help but smile. That's my girl!!


We're sitting on the roof outside Cara's window staring at the stars and I decided to ask a question that's been bothering me.

"I know this is kinda random, but why dont you like people to call you beautiful?"

"What do you mean?"

"You always tense up whenever anyone, even your dad, refers to you as beautiful."

She puffs out her cheeks then slowly exhales before answering. "Only three people have ever called me beautiful and all three have really bad memories attached to them. TJ, Trevor, and my grandfather. Most girls prefer being called beautiful over gorgeous or hot, but if I'm never called beautiful ever again, I'll be happy."

"Well I think you're gorgeous AND hot!" I told her. She chuckled and sat up. "It's cold out here. Let's go in."

"I really want to get you a bigger window!" I said laughing as I literally fell into her room!

She let out a yawn and we decided to get ready for bed. I took off my shirt, throwing it in her laundry basket and grabbed my sweatpants from my overnight bag I brought while she rummaged through her dresser for some pajamas. I pulled my jeans past my waist then sat on the edge of the bed and struggled with getting my legs out. Damn skinny jeans. I froze when she ripped her shirt and bra off, then put my Metallica tank top on then removed her jeans. The top came down to her mid thighs because she is so tiny. She caught me staring and smiled.

"What?" She asked.

"I like the way you look in my tank top. It's hot!"

"I think it looks better on you!!" she said, pink rushing to her cheeks. She still can't take a compliment! I shook my head then finally got my jeans off. Before I had a chance to get my sweatpants on, she straddled my legs, wrapping her arms around my neck. She still hasn't put her pajama pants on either and just the thought of that was making me feel extra warm. She leaned over and pressed her lips to mine and our mouths molded together. She leaned forward into me more and more until I fell backwards on the bed. She kept her lips to mine, causing her to be kneeling over me. As we pulled apart, I got a clear shot down her shirt (my shirt), straight to her black lace panties. "I like this view!" I did not mean to say that out loud.

She smirked and said devilishly, "Do you now?" and reached her hand down between her legs onto my now growing bulge.

"Fuck Cara!" I said and pulled her in hungrily for another kiss. She continued to rub me through my boxers until Luke called out, "Hey Michael!" and opened the bedroom door.

"Oh shit! Sorry sorry sorry!" he squealed, shutting the door quickly.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Cara asked as she threw me my sweatpants and put hers on.

"Don't you know how to lock a door?"

"Touché. I'll remember that next time!" When we were both dressed she opened the door. Luke took one look at me and smirked. "Nice boner!" which made Cara laugh and blush a deep red.

"Cockblock, what do you want?" I asked him.

"Ashton wants your keys. He's hungry."

"He's always hungry but fuck no I'm not giving him my keys! He's half lit! I'll go!"

Cara giggled, "I hope not like that!" looking down at my still partially visible hard on. Damn. "I'll order delivery. It sucks, but he's too drunk to care!"

I hate this band!

Bad Dreams //mgcजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें