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*Cara's POV*

It's Friday again and I haven't seen Michael all week. He's been really generic and cryptic in his texts, but Calum said he's been really busy doing stuff with Luke. That's really cool - I've been taking up so much of his time with my crap. He needs time with his friends and the band.


I'm woken up Saturday morning by a much too happy Regan. "It's girls day! Get up and let's go! Mani pedi, shopping... Move woman!"

I groan and roll over. I had hoped to spend some time with Michael, but I know better than to fight Regan on this. She won't quit until she gets her way. I get up and get myself ready for a long day out.

So we're at Tyson's Galleria mall in the food court having lunch when I spot Michael and Luke getting in line for pizza. I sneak up behind them because I want to surprise them, but as I approach I hear them talking.

"Have you told her anything yet?" Luke asks.

"Not yet. I'm not sure when I want to do it yet."

"You need to tell her something. She's going to get suspicious if you keep making up excuses not to see her."

"I know I know. I'm just not good at keeping secrets, especially from Cara."

What. The. Hell? He's keeping something from me and doesn't know how to tell me? This feels like deja vu. The way he's been distant, short texts, it feels like TJ all over again! No! I can't do this again! I can't! I turn and practically run back to the table, trying not to draw attention to myself. I grab Regan by the arm and pull her out. "Take me home. Now."

*Michael's POV*

It's Saturday morning, my last weekend to finish getting things together for Cara. Luke and I have been planning everything out, down to the smallest detail. I haven't seen her all week and it's killing me. But if I see her, I won't be able to keep this a surprise. The oceanfront hotel is booked. I got us one right on the boardwalk, I've got all the money squared away with mum, and now Luke and I are at Tyson's mall. I wanted to buy her some clothes for the trip. I don't want to give away anything, so I can't even tell her to pack any bags. I'm going to do it for her. The last thing to figure out is how and when to disclose my plan. We go into the line for some pizza before hitting the women's clothing stores. This is going to be awkward, and I can't do it on an empty stomach!

Have you told her anything yet?" Luke asks.

"Not yet. I'm not sure when I want to do it yet."

"You need to tell her something. She's going to get suspicious if you keep making up excuses not to see her."

"I know I know. I'm just not good at keeping secrets, especially from Cara." I've had to avoid her and it eats at me. I know how insecure she gets and it's probably starting to bother her.

"I really want it to be a surprise. I want to pick her up from class Friday and just say we're going for a drive or something. I don't think I can do this for a whole other week, but if I spend any time with her, I'm afraid I'll spoil it."

"Well then we need to come up with white lies to questions she may ask and you need to see her or this will all be for nothing mate." I run my hand through my hair, "You're right." I sigh.

We sit and eat our pizza while coming up with answers to any possible question we think she might ask then head off to buy her some clothes.

*Regan's POV*

"Take me home. Now." Cara says, grabbing me by the arm. Um, ok? She had just gone over a minute ago to say hi to Michael and I don't think she even talked to him. She looks really upset. We head to the car and drive home. Once we're home, I sit on her bed . the silence has been killing me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Michael's keeping something from me. I overheard him and Luke talking about him keeping something from me and that he's making up excuses not to see me. I've hardly talked to him all week, his texts are short and to the point... It feels like TJ all over again!" she says through tears.

Shit. "Let me talk to Calum. I won't say anything about it, I'll just ask what he's been up to lately. It could just be a misunderstanding."

To Cal
Hey babe! Whatcha doin?

To my amazing gf
Nothin. Just chilling with Ash writing songs.

To Cal
What's Michael and Luke up to?

To my amazing gf
Idk they headed out earlier. Just said they'd be back. Y?

To Cal
Just curious. Haven't seen him around lately, which is odd.

To my amazing gf
Idk what's up. He and Luke have been locked up in Mike's room all week practically. Its getting kinda weird. Lol

To Cal
Hmmm idk. I was just curious. Go write me a song to serenade me with now! ;)

To my amazing gf
On it! Xxxx

"Cara," I say, "He's not cheating on you, ok? Cal said he's been with Luke all week. Its kinda weird, but he's been either at school or at home with Luke."

"O-oh-okay," she sniffles and dries her tears. "Then what's he keeping from me?"

"I don't know honey, I don't know."

To Assclown (aka Michael)
Yo assmunch

To RayRay
What up bitch?

To Assclown
I should be asking u that

To RayRay
What do u mean?

To Assclown
Y u been ignoring Cara & making EXCUSES not to see her?

To RayRay
What do u mean?

To Assclown
Don't try that with me. How was Tyson's today?

To RayRay
Fuck. U guys were there? Why didn't she come say hi?

To Assclown
She was going to. But she overheard u & Luke. Wtf r u keeping fm her?

To Assclown
So help me god Michael Clifford - if u r cheating on her I'll chop off ur balls & feed them to u

To RayRay
OMG NO! I would never do that to her.

To Assclown
Then wtf dude?? She's crying in her room rn!

To RayRay
Fuck fuck fuck. I'm on my way! I promise its not what it looks like!

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