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*Michael's POV*

I can't believe how well things are going for Cara and I. She got the job at Picture People, which is really cool. Granted, that means even less time that we get to spend together, but it means that every night I'll be going home to her. I will have her in my arms every night. It makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. Now that we have worked out how much we can afford, we have been out looking at apartments and rentals the past few days. Between both of our parents contributions (with the stipulation that we remain in school) and her job, we have a really decent range we can look at. We are on our way to look at one now that Ashton actually found. Its centrally located between our schools, the mall, Regan's townhouse and the bands rental house.

We pull into the driveway of the quite small house. Its a cute red brick one story with a small covered porch and one car garage. It isn't anything grand, but its quaint. Cara seems as excited as I am.

We get out of my car and interlace our fingers together, walking up to the front door. The house belonged to an elderly couple but was turned over to their daughter. She doesn't want to sell it, so she's renting it out. Cara rings the doorbell and squeezes my hand. A lady in her 40s answers the door.

"Hello, you must be Michael and Cara. I'm Marti. Please do come in."

"Its a pleasure to meet you," I start out. "We really appreciate you showing us the house on such short notice." Ashton found it this morning and I called immediately on my way to school.

"I must say I was quite surprised to get a response so quickly. It just went up this morning."

We enter into a decent sized living room with a fireplace. The kitchen is a little outdated, but, seriously, this is Cara and I we're talking about. The master bedroom is big enough for my queen bed, a desk to share and her dresser, with a walk in closet large enough to fit our clothes and not much else. Luckily neither of us have much anyways, and there's a small bathroom which consists of a toilet and shower. The spare bedroom is really small, but it would make a great guest room. We check out the main bathroom and Cara starts giggling.

"What?" I ask her confused.
"The tile is the same color as your hair." I roll my eyes and chuckle. The blue has faded a lot. I really need to redo it. It has a large bathtub, large enough for both of us to fit, even at my height.

We walk around the property and there's a shed in the back yard with power running to it. Cara and I both have the same idea and simultaneously say "band practice!" and start laughing. We go back inside to the kitchen/dining room combo.

"What do you guys think?" Marti asks us. "Could you give us just a minute please?" I ask her. "Absolutely," she replies and goes into the living room. I turn to Cara, holding both hands. "What do you think? I ask. I really hope she likes it. Its small but I think its perfect for us. And very private.

"Its really cute," she says. We don't need anything grand. The shed would be great for the band, she said there's a storage room with no windows and a drain that I could turn into a darkroom, and it's really private. I like that you can't see the house from the road, and the trees shelter us from neighbors. Its like our own cottage in the woods!" I am so glad to see her excited over this house.

We go into the living room and ask Marti what we need to do to get started and we fill out the papers right there. We talk to her for a bit, explaining how how parents give us set amounts each month for housing and utilities as long as we stay in school, about her job, my band, and I stress how much the privacy of the property means to me with our growing success.

"Well, I know that I'm supposed to do all sorts of reference checks and credit checks, but I think this house would be a great fit for you two. I can see how excited you are, and it makes me happy that you two could enjoy this house as much as my parents did. How soon can you move in?"

"REALLY?" Cara gasps. "Oh my goodness! I mean, I'll have to talk to Regan and stuff, but like, right away!"

We exchange numbers and promise to keep each other updated to determine a move in date. We say goodbye and walk to the car.

Cara pulls me into a hug, "oh my god Michael! This is OUR house!" She's tearing up and kisses me quickly "I love you I love you I love you!" She is so cute when she's excited. I can't help but laugh.

"I love you too angel! Now let's go tell everyone!"

To Regan
Meet us at my house biatch

To Assclown
Already here dickwad. Duh.

We arrive back at my place 10 minutes later and walk inside to everyone sitting in the living room.

"Well?" Ashton asks, "How'd it go?"

"I love you mate!" I said, then Cara said, "We have our own house!"

We started both talking about it.

"There's a shed out back with power for band practices"
"There's a room in the basement I can turn into a darkroom"
"There's a fireplace"
"Its like a little cottage in the woods"
"Its private, like insane private."
"You can't see it from the street"
"The trees shield it from neighbors"
"Its got a big yard with a fire pit"
"There's a guest bedroom for drunkasses"

All six of us were laughing, but no one cared. Cara and I are happy and our friends are happy for us.

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