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*Cara's POV*

I fell asleep in Michael's arms again. This is a feeling I'll never get used to. And I'm going to get to do this every day! We're actually moving in together! My brain is constantly telling me it's a bad idea. I met him just over three months ago. Three months and we're moving in together. But that's my brain talking. That's society saying it's way too soon. My brain is screaming at me with the memory that even after 3 years with TJ, I wasn't at this point, and we all know how well that turned out! Ha! But that's my brain working on overload. My heart is a different story. My heart couldn't be happier. I am so madly in love with this man, and he loves me just as much. It may have only been three months, but I've connected with him more in that three months than I did with before mentioned asswipe in three years. I have fallen deeper in love with him than I ever knew was possible. And I never want it to end. While others have just stepped their way through the broken pieces of my heart, putting bandaids on the biggest wounds, Michael is the only one to pick up the shattered pieces and help me put it back together, to help me heal.

I know he's awake but we are both just lying here holding each other, never wanting to let go.

"Did you sleep okay, angel?" He asks me. Oh my god, I get to hear his morning voice everyday!

"Yeah I did. I always sleep best in your arms," I tell him. I do. Except for those times I had the nightmares, or memories, I do. I finally realized that those memories resurfaced once I felt safe and happy again. That's why the majority of them was when I was in Michael's arms. This is where I am safe and happy.

We stay in my bed, holding each other, as we talk about what furniture we will take, what we need, which of our parents we can ask for this piece or that when we finally realize it's already noon.

"I should probably head back," he finally says. "We have a busy week ahead of us." I know he's right, and I have homework to do but I don't want to leave the warmth of his arms.

"I don't want to leave either, angel, but in one week, we won't have to," he says with a smile. I can make it a week. I peel myself from his arms and we climb out of bed.

He leaves 20 minutes later after a quick breakfast and I drag out my books and laptop and get to work. Three hours later, I am caught up with everything and start working on sifting through the pictures from last night. I can use a lot of these for my photo classes too, so I'm really happy. They looked so happy on that stage. I really do hope they make it far. I think they will.

My phone buzzes.

To my angel
U busy?

To Mikey
Nope. Just finished

To my angel
Good. I'll be there in 10. The guys and I have something for you.

To Mikey
I'll be ready! xxx

I wash up my face and make sure I'm presentable, as I still haven't showered, but I don't have time now and head downstairs to wait. Michael knocks on the door and we leave to go back to the "band house" as we all now call it. When we walk in the door, Ashton is bubbling with excitement, per usual. He grabs me by the hand and drags me over to the couch where he has his laptop and iPad. He sits me down next to him, with Michael on my other side. Calum and Luke are on the other couch, sitting on the edge.

"Okay guys, what's going on?" I ask.

"Okay, so," Ashton starts. "I picked up some equipment lately and we made a mini recording studio. We spent this afternoon piecing this together for you!" As he said this, he pressed a button on his laptop and I hear Ashton's drumming, followed by guitar and Michael's voice.

Everybody's got their demons
Even wide awake or dreaming
I'm the one who ends up leaving
Make it okay

"Oh my gosh!" I gasp! They recorded Jet Black Heart! It is so good! "This sounds so good!!! You guys are awesome!" They all smile as we listen to the entire song. I'm so impressed. Ashton hands me a flash drive that the file is on. That's why Michael made me grab my laptop before we left!

I grab my laptop, upload the file and I start piecing together the powerpoint to the music. While I'm working, they get pizza and I keep working.

I finish up with what I have, attach the necessary cords etc to have it play on the TV, and I set them down. "Now I have a surprise for you! It still needs a lot of fine tuning, but you get the idea." I press play and my intro into my project goes through. When they see "Featuring: 5 Seconds of Summer" with a picture of all four of them pop up, they're grinning. Seeing it on the flat screen, I cringe. It still looks really rough, but this is good to see where it needs work. And I still have time.

"Oh my god Cara!" Luke says when it's finished. "I didn't realize how good of a photographer you are! Holy shit!" I blush at that because, yeah, I've never been able to take compliments. "Uh, thanks Luke" I mutter. "I should probably get back now," I tell Michael as we get up. I pack my laptop back up and thank each of them for the mp3 and head home.

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