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*Cara's POV*

I made it through my first week of classes without anything substantial happening. I'm very greatful that TJ has left me alone.

I'm sitting in the last few minutes of English and our professor is handing back our papers, my poem. She hands me mine and returns to the front. "Class dismissed". I look at my paper and there's no grade, just a "See me after class". I roll my eyes and groan as I head to her desk.

After everyone leaves, I address her. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, have a seat Cara," she said. This can't be good. She continues once I'm seated. "I was quite impressed by your poem, but I'm also concerned. It is really dark. Is everything okay?" Of course.

"Yeah, it's just been a rough few months, but I'm getting through it."

"With the help of someone special I take it?" she asks.

I can't help but smile, "Yes ma'am".

"Good. Before I give you a grade, I would like you to do a revision on it this weekend. I see a lot of potential in this and I think you can make it even better. Outside help is permitted."

"Yes ma'am," I say and start out the door to head home.

We're all hanging out at the townhouse doing nothing in particular when Ashton asks me, "Hey, did you ever call that guy?" I knew who he was talking about. The one who could possibly get me in contact with Chris, my biological father, or "sperm donor" as Michael calls him.

"Not yet. I've been too busy."

"Do you want me to be there when you do?" He asks. I don't know. I honestly haven't thought about it since he texted me the number. I tell him this and he just replies, "Let me know if you do."

"Okay." Before I get a chance to think about it, my phone rings. I quickly answer it.


"Miss Davidson?"


"This is Detective Miller. I wanted to inform you that we've gotten in touch with the witnesses you mentioned and an arrest has been made. He has been transported here and a court date will be set tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh. O-okay. Do I need to be present for that?"

"Since you are the one pressing charges, your presence is required. Be at the town hall at 1pm sharp."

"Yes sir. Thank you. Oh, is anyone else allowed in with me?"

"Not tomorrow, but Mr Clifford can wait outside the court room for you."

"Okay. Thank you. Goodbye."

All eyes are on me. Keep it together Cara. You have to remain strong through this. I force myself to calmly speak, "I have to go to the courthouse tomorrow for a trial date to be set." Michael grabs my hand and squeezes it. I look at him and quietly ask, "Will you go with me? You'd have to sit outside the courtroom, but I can't do this alone. I haven't seen him since that night."

"Absolutely angel, I'll be there every step of the way."

"Thank you. I love you Mikey."

"Love you more!"

I let out and yawn and get up, "I'm headed to bed guys. Long day tomorrow."

Everyone says goodnight and Michael grabs my hand and leads me up to bed. We both change, Michael into sweatpants, and me into one of his tee shirts and sweatpants and we climb into bed.

I need to tell him. Now that the trial is moving forward, I've run out of time. I sit up and he does the same, both of us leaning against the headboard.

"Michael, I need to tell you about something," oh fuck fuck fuck. Here goes nothing.

"When I was younger, before I met TJ, I was really rebellious and slept around. Nobody really knew. When I started dating TJ, I settled down, but it also drew the attention of my grandfather."

Shit. How do I explain this right? I take a deep breath before continuing.

"I was 15, young and stupid. To my grandfather, having a boyfriend automatically meant my hormones had kicked in and sex was interesting to me." Breathe Cara.

"It's really embarrassing and wrong and I hate myself for it." I started crying. I can't say it. I was too much at fault to put the blame solely on him.

"Cara? Its okay angel. I love you. Remember that. Nothing you say, nothing you did at 15 will make me love you any less."

"He - he - he... He would do things. And make me do things, whether I wanted to or not."

I can't stop crying.

"I never told anyone. I could've stopped it but I didn't. I let it continue for years."

I can't say any more right now. It's too hard to speak of still. But he has the general idea, so if it comes up in court, he's at least aware. But he hasn't spoken. I don't know what he's thinking. I want to hug him so badly, but I'm scared that he'll push me away. I need him right now but I'm too scared. I wish he'd just say something. Anything. The silence is killing me. So I just cry myself to sleep.

Bad Dreams //mgcOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz