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*Cara's POV*

My phone buzzing with a text message wakes me up. What the hell? I'm on my side and Michael's arm is wrapped around my waist. I stretch as far as I can and finally reach my phone. I read the text from Ashton.

To CareBear
Wake Mikey's ass up and tell him to get over here. NOW!

To Ash
Can I ever enjoy a Saturday morning in bed with him?

To CareBear
TMI Care Bear!

To Ash
How is it TMI if I never have a chance to have anything to tell you?

To CareBear
Just tell him to get over here!

To Ash
I hate you

To CareBear
Luv u too CareBear

I groan as I set my phone beside me. "What's wrong angel?"

"Ashton needs you over there right away. I have no idea what for."

"But I wanted to stay in bed with you all day!" he pouts.

"That's what I told him too, but he insists." Michael groans as he gets out of bed and gets dressed.

"Fine. I'll be right back." He gives me a quick kiss goodbye and head out the door. Now that I'm awake, I decide to work on my PowerPoint some more. I only have a few more weeks of classes and the presentations begin in a week. I take my laptop to the living room and connect it to the TV to finish editing. Its easier on the TV to get it perfect. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like this.

Two hours later I'm satisfied. If I try to do any more, I'll mess it up. Since this started as my poem, I made sure to add pictures of Michael and I, as well as a couple of just myself, and some of Ashton's artwork I snuck away from him. Honestly, I'm really proud of this. Before I know it, I'm dozing off to sleep.

I'm woken up a little while later by Michael barreling into the house. "Cara? Cara! Oh my god are you okay?" He is in a panic and I'm not sure why.

"Michael, I'm fine, what's wrong?"

"I tried calling and texting and after the...I couldn't.."

"Michael stop."

He looks at me as I explain, "I left my phone in the room. I finished my PowerPoint and fell asleep. I'm fine. Why are you freaking out so bad?" He takes a deep breath.

"When's the last time you were on twitter?"

"Umm about a month ago I guess? Why?"

"Well, its just, its not a big deal, its just..." I'm get really frustrated now and he's starting to scare me.

"MICHAEL! Just spit it out!"
He takes a deep breath.

"People, fans, have been following the guys and I sneaking pictures of our whereabouts. We've known it, and it usually doesn't bother us. But someone caught you going into the studio last night. And us coming out together. Its all over twitter. Somehow they found out who you are. That's why Ash wanted me to go over there. So we could figure out how bad it was and what to do. We conference called with Modest and they want to speak with you, too. I tried calling and texting you to meet us over there. When I couldn't get ahold of you, I... I kinda panicked."

"Michael, I'm fine, okay? Let's go over, I'll check out twitter on the way so I know what I'm talking about and we'll get something figured out, okay?" He nods. I pull him in for a long kiss, he instantly calms down, I grab my laptop and we head over to meet the guys.

I log onto twitter and search 5sos. The first thing I see is Michael and I coming out of the studio last night. There are shots of each of the guys, some of me getting into my car, even my car driving away. I start reading tweets that go with them and wow. Creative and desperate for sure. Lots of hate, apparently I'm a groupie, using Michael for sex and money. Money? Really? That's funny! So I search my name and find they don't know anything more than my name so far. It's not too bad. Yet.

"As far as I can tell, I'm just a hoe bag groupie using you for your money. How did I get discovered so quick?" I say as walk into the house. We don't hold hands just in case. We start laughing and Luke looks at me in shock.

"How the hell?" I'm so confused.

"What ?" I ask him.

"Michael was freaking out and we couldn't calm him down. It was almost like a panic attack. Now you two walk in laughing and Mikey's, well, Mikey again!" Oh. I shrug at him.

"It's just that I'm some slut groupie using him for money, you know how that goes!" Now everyone's laughing.

We all pile onto one couch, so I sit in Michael's lap while Ashton brings up a new skype call with Modest Management. I'm introduced to everyone there and we start talking about security.

"So Miss Davidson, we just want to clarify a few things and get a feel for the situation, if that's okay with you?"

"Yes sir, that's fine," she says.

"Okay, so Michael is your boyfriend, correct?"
"For how long?"
"4, almost 5 months"
"And how long have you known each other?"
"Almost 6 months" wow that long already?
"By what I have been told, you currently reside with Michael?"
"Yeah, we have a house of our own"
"We are aware that the guys had to report to court to testify in a trial last week. Were you involved in this as well?" Uh oh lord. Oh yeah, I just made these guys testify on my behalf because I was raped before I ever met them. I'm already a sleazy groupie using Michael for sex. This will go over real well.

"Miss Davidson?"
"Oh, sorry. Excuse me a moment. I need to use the bathroom." I head to the bathroom and shut the door.

I feel like I'm going to throw up. This can't end well. I thought all that was behind me. I slink down next to the toilet and cry. Michael was right behind me and rushes to my side.

"Shh it's okay angel. It's okay."

"No it's not Michael! Don't you get it? I'm already some slut using you for sex, if this gets out to the press, your fans, it'll ruin you. I cant do that to you guys, especially to you. Why can't my past ever stay behind me?"

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