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*Michael's POV*

At first, it was really awkward around Cara's family, but they're a crazy bunch. After performing our songs for them, I loosened up and things became much more comfortable. I really seemed to fit in pretty well, and I think they like me. I get that impression at least.

Cara has been much more relaxed than normal, and I can tell she's just happy to be around her family again.

Its been a really enjoyable day and everyone's starting to go to bed, so Luke, Ashton and I start setting up our sleeping arrangements in the media room. We made a huge pad in the center of the room for all of us to have a "sleepover". I'm glad because I'm ready to just hold Cara in my arms. She's been pulled in all directions by her family so I haven't spent much time with her. I don't mind, I just miss her already, even in the same house. She wasn't kidding this house is enormous. It has 5 huge bedrooms and 4 bathrooms upstairs (2 of them are literally the size of a four car garage), there are two full sized kitchens, full sized pool table and air hockey tables, 2 pin ball machines, I could go on and on and I haven't even explored half the house yet!

Luke and I were just hanging out in the media room with our guitars, trying out new tunes and trying to come up with lyrics to go with them. Luke was starting to get frustrated because we were getting nowhere.

Cara comes in and he face lit up when she saw me. By the way Luke scoffed at me, I guess I did too. "Hi Mikey! Ive been looking for you!" Have I mentioned before how much I love hearing her call me Mikey?

"Oh, yeah, we're just got fiddling around with songwriting." She came over and sat next to me, sitting on her feet and leaning on my arm.

"You guys sounded really good. I mean, really good. I was pleasantly surprised." She sounded embarrassed by this for some reason.

"You thought we'd suck?!" I faked a gasp. She's so fun to tease.

"Well, I-I didnt know," she was obviously getting flustered. She's so precious when she stumbles over her words. "I mean, I knew you were good. Your voice is mesmerizing. But I didn't know how anyone else sounded. You guys blend together so well. I really like it." Well damn, I don't know how to respond to that compliment. I mean, sure I knew I had an okay voice, otherwise I wouldn't have any solo vocals. But mesmerizing? I didn't expect that!

Before I could say anything back, she turned to face me, so I set my guitar in its case and did the same.

"I feel really bad, Michael. All the focus of us has been on me, and I realized tonight that I don't really know much about you. I'm already a shitty girlfriend!"

"Cara angel, you are not a shitty girlfriend. You are strong, beautiful," okay why does she always seem to cringe when I call her beautiful? "You are fun, caring, patient. Do I need to go on?" She shook her head immediately. Her cheeks are bright pink at this point. She gets so embarrassed when I compliment her. Its so cute.

"You've had a lot going on lately. I love talking about you, helping you, learning about you! I'm just boring, but if you want, I can give you my life story!" I start chuckling to help lighten the mood.

"I'd like that," she answers sheepishly. I really wish she had more confidence in herself. She's letting this bother her way too much. I can easily tell her anything she wants to know if it makes her feels better.

"Um, ok. So, yeah. I was born in Australia. All of us were. We didn't meet Ashton til we got to the states though. Luke, Calum and I were best mates since elementary school. Luke's dad got a job in DC, so he moved here first. Andy, that's Luke's dad, and my dad have been best friends since like high school or something, so he got my dad a job here too. Calum was really kinda awkward back then, and Luke & I were his only friends, so Mom and Joy, his mom, let him move with us. It was only supposed to be temporary, but he loved it so much, and his sister Mali was relentless in her dreams of moving to the US, so about a year later, his family moved out too. Their place was a little further away from ours, in a different school district. But since Calum had started in our school, and Luke's mom was a teacher there, they managed to keep him in our school. Ashton lived a few houses down from Calum, so that's how they met. Us three kinda started our band but with 3 guitars only, it wasn't going anywhere. I guess Calum found out that Ash plays drums, so he invited him to practice one day. Thus was the start of 5 Seconds of Summer! We started just doing covers, but then started writing our own. We have a few videos up on YouTube. Nothing major, but it's fun. I mean, if I could do this for the rest of my life, I'd be so happy!"

"Wow I'm rambling, I'm sorry." I suddenly said.

She had a huge smile on her face. "Its obvious that your music and the band makes you happy! I don't mind. I love hearing the excitement in your voice." she said, shrugging.

"Yeah they do," I said, pulling her into a hug, "And so do you."

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