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*Ashton's POV*

I sat there for quite awhile while she clung onto Michael. Part of me wants to leave them to their privacy, but I know that after she calms down, she'll want to talk about the call, and to be honest, I'm really curious. We've invested a lot of time into finding him, and I'd really like to know the details of that conversation. It really shook her up.

From what I saw on this end, I think it went better than she expected, but it was obviously very emotional. The only thing I know so far is that he was looking for her, and that her mom was updating him on her before she passed away. She said something about her grandmother and a motorcycle. I'm curious on those, but I don't know how relevant any of that is.

Finally she removes herself and turns to me.

"Thank you so much for all your help Ashton! I'm not sure how to feel just yet."

"Do you mind telling me what he had to say? You don't have to if it's too much." I don't want to push her.

She took a deep breath, and resituated herself so her back was to Michael's chest. He put his arms around her with his chin on her head before she started telling us about the conversation.

"So you met him many times before and had no idea he was your father?"

"Yeah, he was introduced to me as a friend of my moms. I remember him, too. I played with my sister, not knowing she was my sister! I have two sisters, actual blood sisters! And they know about me!"

"Are you going to keep in touch with him?"

The question of the day.

"I don't know, to be honest. I mean, I believe him 100% The things that he said about my Mamaw and my uncles - there's not a doubt in my mind they would do that. They kicked my mom out and shipped her off to Kentucky until after I was born for crying out loud! My grandmother tried to convince my mom to have an abortion!" Holy fuck! I didn't know that! Damn that's vicious.

"How many guys willing admit, in exact words, 'I was too much of a pussy'?" She's got a really good point there. There's obviously a lot of regret.

"He told me he's always loved me and he wishes he fought for me." She's starting to cry again. She's always had this fear of abandonment, maybe this will help her with that. I really don't know. I ask one last question that I have to ask her. "How old was he when your mom got pregnant?"


That explains a lot.


*Michael's POV*

I feel so helpless right now. There's nothing I can do to help her other than what I'm doing now - supporting her. She has to make these decisions herself and work through them on her own. I don't want to influence her in any way but damn it kills me to see her in so much pain. Why do bad things happen to good people? And life is not giving her a chance to deal with just one thing at a time. It's all hitting at once. She really is in a hurricane right now. For her sake, I hope it ends soon. I don't know how much more she can take before she snaps. Valentines day is coming up in a few weeks, I think she needs to just get away for awhile. I need to plan something special.

*Cara's POV*

After Ashton left the room last night, Michael and I curled up together and went to sleep. It's now morning and I am really excited to see if it snowed like they were calling for. I need a break from all this emotional mess. Michael is still lightly snoring, so I slowly unwrap myself from him and make my way to the window. HOLY SHIT! There has to be at least a foot of snow out there and it's still coming down hard! Oh my god I'm so excited! I want so badly to wake Michael but he needs his sleep. So I get a few more layers on, get wrapped up, leave Michael a note and walk out the door, both my digital and my film camera in hand (yes I have the waterproof covers on them). Our first big photo project is happiness. A shoot and power point showing both happiness captured in others, and things that invoke happiness. Snow makes me beyond happy!

I've been outside for a couple hours now, all through the neighborhood full of untouched snow. The plows hit the highways first, then main roads, followed by secondary roads. Only then will they touch the neighborhoods. Its been snowing so hard that even the main roads haven't been plowed yet. This is so beautiful!

I finally make my way back to the house and go inside. Luke yells out, "SHE'S BACK! Thank god. Michael was about to send out a search party for you!" I start laughing because Michael of all people knows how much I love the snow!

Ashton hands me a hot apple cider (dang I love this man!) As Michael comes down the hall walking like a penguin from having so many layers on. I burst out laughing at him.

"What? It's cold out there! I was coming to look for you!" He pouts.

"Would u feel better if I go outside again?" I tease.

"NO! I'll take these off and we can just curl up together."

"You know that won't last long! I love you Mikey, but snow comes first!" This is half true anyway!

But he manages to convince me to stay inside until the snow stops. We measure two and a half feet of snow total! Apparently that much snow is heavy because we lost power then.

This is going to be interesting!

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