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*Michael's POV*

Cara and Regan left to go home, now that the roads are cleared. As expected, Cara spent a good portion of the weekend out in the snow - shoveling, making a snowman, starting a snowball fight that drew everyone outside. I love seeing her so happy. I didn't want her to leave, but she has to get homework done for tomorrow. This gives me a chance to start planning a little surprise getaway for us. I'm really excited. I just got off the phone with my mom and she's going to help as far as money goes, since I'm a broke college student. But I need help planning this. I'm not good with this kind of thing. Ashton and Cara are too close and Calum can't keep a secret for shit. That leaves Luke.

I take my laptop to the living room and sit down next to Luke. "Hey mate, I need your help."

"What's up?"

"Well, Cara's going through a lot of shit right now, stuff that you don't know about, too. Her head and heart are going in a million directions. Valentines day is coming up and I really want to just take her away from it all for a few days. I'm just not sure where to start with it all. Mum is helping pay for it, but there's so much to figure out!"

"Of course I'll help ya mate. Let's start by figuring out a timeline so you know your max travel time." and we spend the next few hours looking into places I could take her.


*Cara's POV*

All in all is was a great weekend. Snow always cheers me up, and we got so much of it! So now I'm sitting at the kitchen table on my laptop. I just downloaded all the digital pictures I took this weekend. Maybe I can use the darkroom tomorrow after English, since it's an early day. Our assignment is happiness. Things that make us happy and shots that capture happiness. I got a lot of really cool shots of the snow - too many, really! I snuck in a few of Ashton and Luke building their fort, there's a lot of Ashton because I swear that guy never stops smiling. I got a few of Regan and Calum together, and a lot of Michael. He's such a dork sometimes and you can't help but laugh at him.

I got a few of him sleeping too, just for my own purposes. I love watching him sleep. I download one of those to my phone and set it as my screensaver.

I love capturing emotion in my shots. Portraits are too posed and proper. Candids are my favorite. The ones I took of our snowball fight are perfect for this project!

I am feeling really tired and look at the clock. Crap! How is it 2am already! I get so lost in my photos sometimes! I haven't heard from Michael since I left, but that's okay. He's probably been sleeping all day! An hour outdoors wears him out and we were out in the snow for three or four hours!

I quickly get ready for bed and fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

My alarm goes off a few hours later and I drag myself up and get ready for classes. I grab my 35mm camera and dart off for school.

The day drags on, I even dozed off a little in English. But it's now over and I head over to the photo lab to develop my film from the weekend. I have to turn off my phone before going in the darkroom so the light from it doesn't interfere with processing.

The darkroom is one of my favorite places to be. While I'm waiting for each of the chemicals to do their job, I am drifted away into thoughts once again of my grandfather, the trial, and Chris.

I go through the roll of now developed film and find a few I really like and go through the process of printing them out.

I'm finally finished, I grab my things and head off to the bus stop. When I turn my phone back on, I realize how late it is. Wow! I spent 6 hours in the dark room?

Michael is probably wondering where the hell I am. I forgot to tell him I was going to the lab today. Surprisingly, there only one text.

To my angel
Hey! Sorry I can't come over after school today. Band practice and mum needs me. Luv u xx

At least he's not upset that I was in the lab so much today.

I make it home and chill out with Regan for a bit before starting my homework.

I must've fallen asleep because its suddenly morning and my school books are all around me. Guess it's time to get going.

a/n lame filler chapter I know, but I promise it gets better

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