Chapter 3 The blizzard

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The days went by like a blink and Autumn changed into Winter. The leaves changed colors and that crisp fall sent set in. A few weeks later frost and a light bit of snow fell. It was about the beginning of December. The horses seemed bored just standing there in the barn munching on hay, so I let them have a little fun galloping in the pasture through the fresh layer of snow. I like Winter. All the snow makes everything so pretty. And its fun to have snow ball fights.

December 10, our first expected blizzard! I haven't seen one since I was five. I stare out the window waiting to see what would happen. I get a call ; its Sid. " Daphne! We need your help , the horses got out on the east side of the pasteur Madeleine and Dustin got them all in but strawberry We cant find her bring Angel we have got to find her before the storm. I'm really worried Daphne. Come quick!"

" Calm down, I say, she couldn't have gotten far, I'll be right there. " I rode down the road as fast as I could. I meet Madeline at the drive way.

" Come on," she said," lets go." We ran down the trail. Snow flying as we went by.

" Stop!" Sydney shouted, we came to a halt," I don't know how frozen the lake is."

"Shhhhhh! Did you here that? It sounded a winey!"

" Lets go then." So we galloped down the trail horses whining as they sense the storm. Awhile later we stopped. We called and called but no answer came no winey, no nothing. So we went on walking, we walked for about an hour. Some snow has begun to blow around our horses feet, tickling under their belly's. " Sydney come on we have to go back, were an hour or so into the trial, to get back it takes another hour. The blizzard will be here by then."

"Ok." Sydney said in a defeated voice.

Then from out in the distance we heard a sound. A mire winey from over the hill. We raced towards it. It became louder and louder. " There!" Dustin shouted following his horses ears. And tangled in the bushes was ././. We got off our mounts and ran over to her. as it started to snow.

Hello everyone this is Daphne just wanted to say: stay tuned on this wonderful book. Sorry its not done yet but, I will update it chapter by chapter so if you get to a chapter and it doesn't say, The End then wait and Ill update it. Also leave good comments. No one likes a hater. ;) Bye Yal.

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