Chapter 16 Prom!

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     Ok so we are here. The girls and I re-did our hair and stuff. Now we are drinking the spells so people can see us. OMG... Its 5:30. Only 5:30. Sooooo long to wait. But that's a good thing. Because we forgot jewelry. We went into the store and bought 3 necklaces. Rings and other stuff.... 5:59. We are driving to the school. 6:00. Everyone starts arriving. So we go in.

     " Hay there's Julia. "

     " And Keith." ( Some people know who that is )

     " Aw I always knew they would be a great couple." We sit down." Ima go dance."

     " Me too."

     " I grab Daphne."

      We laugh as we go out and dance. After about 20 min the others join us. A guy comes up to us.

      " Hey..." He's talking  to Madeleine." You wanna come dance with us."

      " Sure." She shrugs. He pulls her into a group. She looks back at us and smiles.

      " We give her a thumbs up."

      " I'm gonna get a drink." I say and walk away. I feel bad for leaving Daphne with Dustin, but I need a break. " Ahhhhhhh!" A cloth goes over my eyes. I get pulled somewhere. And stop. A take the blind fold off. I'm in a closet. Not janitors more like a... storage... room. CHELSEY! I turn around, and there she is. She's wearing a pink fishtail dress. " Chelsey!" I yell. " Sydney!" she yells back. We hug. " I knew it was you."

     " Really how?"

     " Um remember 1st day of high school."

     " Oh ya, that's how we meet."

     " Ya you pushed me in here because I was not in class and the principal was coming down the hall."

     " Ya I didn't want you to get in trouble on the first day." 

     " YAY!" We hug.

     " Owwww! What was that for?"

     " I was seeing if you were real."

     " What?"

     "Everyone forgot about you guys but me."

     " No."

     " Ya I thought you died in that blizzard. Are you an alien?"

     " No. Ok this might sound crazy but..." I told her everything. Showed her my power. My tattoos. Everything.

     " Wow."

     " You still wanna be friends."

     " Of course this makes you even cooler!"

     " Ya." I blush.

     " Come on lets dance."

      I come back to Daphne and Dustin. " Hey look who it is!!!"

     " OMG Chelsey."

     " Daphne!" They hugged.

     " Hey guys." Madeleine came back.

     " How was that group?"

     " The guy asked me out. I said no. There group is not my type."

     " Cool."

     " Where's Dustin?"

     " He went to get us punch with Chelsey."

     " Oh Chelseys here."

     " Ya."

     " Oh here they come."

     " Shhhh."

     " Ok Shhh."

     " Hey guys."

     " Hey Chelsey." We giggled a little bit.

     " What's so..."

     " Hey Chlsss."

     " Ahhh!" We burst out laughing! " You scared me Madeleine!"

     " I know."

     " You got er good. " Dustin said bursting out laughing.

     " Well done." I say.Then the speakers sound. 12 till closing time peeps. Its time for the slow dance.

     " Ugh. really."

      Dustin takes Chelseys hand and twirls her. She looks back at us. We give her the thumbs up.

     Three guys come and take our hands. We look at each other then part ways.













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