Chapter 23 The Start of The End

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Madeleine's (POV) 

     I'm sitting in my window. Meditating, perhaps. Thinking of all the things that could go wrong today. One is Emma. I know her from somewhere but I haven't told anyone.  Ahhhh, the first day of high school. That's it! I was walking down the hallway, late for class, and I sat down next to her. " Emma. " she said.

     " Madeleine." I told her. Only because it seemed fair to tell her my name in return. 

    Ok I'm done I've had enough. I sit up and open my eyes. I look outside. Its gloomy and dark, I wonder if there's going to be a storm. Someone screams. I look wildly about.  I run to my door, and look out. There's no one there?

     " Mads let me out!" Sid screams. She pounds on the glass.

     " Sid? W- where are you?" I look around franticly.

     " Behind you idiot."

     I turn. " How..." She is in my mirror, like actually in it. I'm so confused. But she grabs me with one hand and tells me to pull. I pull. We both go tumbling onto the floor laughing.

     " You scared me." I give her a slight shove.

     " Well I had to get out somehow!" She shoves me back, and we both laugh. I give a slight sigh. " I have something to tell you.

     " Ok talk. "

     " Its urgent, and I don't have much time." she says.

     " What.  Go on." I say a little sarcastic.

     " Daphs not dead. " She tells me. I almost drop dead. I glare at her dizzily.

     " What?" I'm not shure I know what she said.

     " Daphne is not dead, and Emma is coming, and we have to start to get ready, and..." Her jumbled up sentence is cut off by an earthquake. We fall to the ground. Dustin rushes in with a look  I will never forget, and will never see again. I know my nightmare has begun.



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