Chapter 4 Iced

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        " C'mon!" I yell as I run to her. She's tangled in a torn bush. As we get her out the wind picks up even stronger then before. The snow is almost blinding; swirling around us. I take off my gloves to try to get a better grip on the piercing  thorns. So do the others. As we tare away at the thorns I pray to God that the blizzard won't get that bad. Finally we get the horse out, Sydney puts on the extra halter she brought. When were all ready we gallop off in the direction of home. 2 hours were out 2, I think to my self. Then it happens were at the crossroads.

      " Witch way is it!" Madeline yells.

     " Right?!" Sydney says. We go right. About a half an hour later, I think it a half an hour, I see the  sign for the lake. "There," I shout. So we gallop off. My frost bitten face suddenly feels warm. Am I suppose to be worried about that? U know that feeling right? Sure...ya.

        And there the lake is. Frozen solid . We fallow the trail down the bank. CRACK. Our horse jump back , and then it comes the mighty oak falling down right in front of us. A loud bang comes when it hits the ground.

     " We'll have to go through the lake." shouts Dustin.

     Here it comes that nasty feeling of fright in my stomach. "No!" I say "We'll find a different way! " But I find myself on the frozen lake, arm out in front of me; as I protect my face from the fringed wind. The blowing snow seems like tiny ice pins now. Then the horses scream.

     " Be careful." Madeline yells.

     " I knew this was a bad idea." I say 

      All of a sudden Sydney screams. Or I think it was her. CRACK. The horses jump again. "Sydney! " I yell. Nothing , no response. Then there's another loud crack! I here a loud CRACK and a scream but when I turn around nothing was there." Guys." I yell.


     " Daphne!"  I yell back. Then our horses take off. I see Daphne beside me. Worry and fright in her face. And then she's gone. Just disappeared. BOOM, it hits me like an arrow, freezing cold water. I cant breath. I CANT BREATH! But I can? Well kind of. I'm in like a dormant stage I'm aware of everything that's happening. But I don't really care? I'm just floating in the water not on top but like in the middle. I see the ice form back on top of me, its so fast; unnatural. Oww, my arm. I look at my shoulder. And I almost have a hard attack. 

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