Chapter 11 Getting Back

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     " ( bites her lip ) She died."

     " WHAT!" I feel my heart pounding.

     " No I'm just kidding! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

     " Heaheahea." I stammer in relief. It was not funny. " You don't just say that to somebody you know how much that  effects people!"

     " Ok ok you can see her at the 6th door at the right."

     " Ok." I say not trusting her. But I go anyway. I look at the sign on the door. Winter. A Vet opens the door.

     " Hello, you must be Daphne."

     " Yes, um are you aware that your" front desk lady" is telling people that their pets died?"

     " Mhm, ya we really need to fire her."

     " Oh, and can you take me to the mountains. I kind of need a ride."

     " Yup we can take you up there as soon as we are done."

     " Great!"

     " Ook... follow me." So we walked through a hall way to another door wear I saw 2 other horses. None of witch were Winter. We went down the stalls to wear Winter was.

     " Winter!" She tried to get up and meet me but couldn't. Its ok girl just stay were you are.

     " Ok, well she cant walk. No riding her, she gets special food, she should be kept clean in that area of her leg. Lets go in. You see the stiches, make sure they do not rip or tear the skin. And give her lots of love. Alright I think that covers it. I just need you to sign these papers, then were off!

     "Ok." I said. So I signed the papers and before I knew it we were off on their helicopter. Wow, ok Daphne don't get nauseous. I am so high up. oooooo. 

     " Um mam were's yalls home?"

     " Right there."    

     " The Ice Castle?"

     " Yup! I'm an expert igloo builder."

     " Ok?"

     " Thx for the ride!"

     " Yup no problem mam. Would you like me to help yall unload."

     " Nope I'm good."

     " Alright, take care."

      When he had flown away I yelled, "Guys! I'm home!"

      Madeline came out first. Daphne I'm so glad your home! Its been 3 days!"

      " I know! Help me with Winter."

      " Alright." As we helped Winter to her stall, Madeline asked, " What happened?"

      " Well..." I told her the story as I got to the part where Winter was hurt, she got suspicious.

      " Do you think its that person?"

      " No that's just a dream that Sydney had. That person... is not real."

      " Ok but I'm gonna go to the cave and research on it tomorrow."

      " Ok we should probably get this to Sydney." I said holding out the medicine. We walked into the house.

      " Daphne! Your home I was so worried! This dork (points at Madeline) wouldn't tell me were you went. Are you hurt? Did the cloaked figure come after you?"

      " Madeline!"

      " Sorry she was so caught up thinking the person was real. I didn't want her to go after you."

      " You should at least tell her were I'm going."

      " Well..."

      " Did you see the cloaked figure?"

      " No there is no cloaked person, your just delusional. Your sick" ( feeling Sids for head )

      " Just take a drink of water."

      " Thx."

     ( Madeline turned to me) " I put the medicine in it, the medicine tasts gross"

     " Ahhhhhh!"

      " SYDNEY!! Why'd you do that!"

      " I spit it out on you because it tasted horrible! I didn't mean to do it on you."

      " That's because I put your Medicine in it."

      " Really you had to do that. I would have just taken it you know!"

      " Well I was trying to.."

      " YA really."

      " Guys stop figh..."

      " Ya right."

      " Tell her."

      " No your..."

      " Hey I'm home and I  got dinner!"

      " Not right now Dustin!"

      " OK you need to calm down."

      " Tell them to."

      " Wait guys Dustins right."

      " Sorry."

      "  Ya sorry"

      " So what did you get for dinner?"

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