Part 2 of Chapter 9

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     " Winter!" I examine her. Her back leg has been cut. " Who's there?" No answer. I go back to Winter. I don't think she can walk. Great I wish there was a "spell" of healing in that cave. Now I really need to get to town. I clean out her wound, and put bandages around it. ( Made by myself.) Someone must not want me to get to town. A name whispers in my head. Emma. No Daphne now your just scaring yourself. So I made a shelter around me and Winter, Ill sleep with her tonight. No one will get her if I'm here.

     I woke up and remembered everything that happened. I made some iced-coffee  (haha pun)  And went over to Winter. " Wow we need to get you to a vet today  or you might die of blood lose. C'mon can you walk? Silence. MMMMM Ill take that as a no." Ok think Daphne how to get help. " MY PHONE!" Wait what if I get no cell service. I have to try. Back home I always had the vet on speed dial in case we were out on the trail and a horse started to colic, or something else would happen. Plz work Plz work. 554-9027. A minute later.      "Hello?"
     "Yes hello I need imitate help."
     " Ok What animal, where are you, and what's your emergency?"      " A horse, I'm up in the mountains, and a cut leg, she had it over night, its still bleeding."
     " Ok, I'm going to need you to bring her?"
     " Her."
     " OK her down the mountain as far as you can."
     " I can't, she can't walk."
     " Well try something or we will have to use a helicopter, Is she acting up of any sort?"
     " She won't get up, she is laying down, and kind of oosy."  
     " That's all do to lots of blood lose."
     " We will be there with a helicopter in a little bit hang tight."
     " OK bye."
     "Great I should have thought of this before I called. They can only see one of us because I have only one "spell". And what happens if they need to do a surgery who knows what they'll find in there. I made her! And what if she needs special blood not regular horse blood. Ohhhhhh! Ill have to take that chance. When I find out who did this they will be sorry they messed with the Spirit of Winter!" I shot a tree with my powers. It blew up. Then the helicopter came. I drunk half of the "spell" and gave the other half of it to Winter. We were visible but a little bit faded. We looked normal. We Helped Winter onto the lift of the helicopter. " You think you could take me too." I said yelling over the sound of the wind.      " Sure hop in!"

Spell of the Seeing Eye 
A pedal of the Wispen Flower.............................................................. ♊♉♏♎    🔗♍♒♓⛎    ♉♑♈

A tear of the blind................................................................................ ♉♈♊🔗   ♈♉⛎    €µ♒♈

A perfect snowflake made by hand....................................................  €£➿♐   ♍♌♈♊.     ➿➰♓⛎ 

A drop of the moon.............................................................................   ♐♉♋♏    µ⛎♈♉   ♉♒⛎

 The whisper of a siren ........................................................................   ➿♍♏♒.   ♓♒♊.    ♈♋♍

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