Chapter 14 To The Town Again

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Dustin's (POV)

Well its that time of year again. Prom. The schools down in the town, are probably having fun week. The Girls have been sad this week, because all year they were looking forward to prom. Now this happened. I want to cheer them up. So I may have snuck away to town. Ya they have been calling me. I don't pick up. I remember our first prom... I went with Chelsey. Now I'm going back to see the date for prom night. Ugggggggg I've been walking for 3 days.... I see the lights of the town over maybe a mile away. Ya good idea not bringing your horse Dustin.

1 Day Later

I made it whooooo. Well now to school. So I walked to school. I saw all my friends, none of them saw me. Ok date isssssssssssss... November 18 6:00 to 10:30 . Perfect. Next I went to the card store. hubbbggg. It smells like eggs and cigars. I hold my nose as I get 4 cards. 3 pink , 1 blue. I gave the man money and ran out the door. Ohhhhh fresh air! I looked in the window remembering I'm invisible, the guy just sat there. Good ok he's asleep. Ok now to wright. I need a pen, a pen, a pen... oh. I stole a pen from a guys pocket, and gave him a quarter instead. On the cards I wrote, Dear... We invite you to our evening prom. November 18, 6 - 10:30. Signed, Mr. Applereak. Our principle. I slipped them in an envelope, and made my way to the mountain.

3 Days Later

I'm home. I walk in the door." Hay I'm home!" Sydney comes first. She walks up to me. Expecting a hug I hold my arms out. Annnndddd she slaps me square in the cheek.

" How dare you leave us. Where the heck were you! We were worried you were kidnapped or died or something!" Why didn't you pick up our calls!"

She's about to punch me in the arm when I pull out the cards. She stops. Her hole expression changes.

" What are those?"

" Dustin where were you!"

" We were so worried?"

I hide my face. " What are those?"

" There invitations. I went to town to get them and well ya." The girls grab them.


" Really!"

" Ahhhhhh! We are totally going."

" Yay we are going to prom!!!"

" Yup its tomorrow."

" Tomorrow!"

" We don't even have time for nails or anything!" With that they ran upstairs.

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