Chapter 19 Three

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Madeleines (POV)

     Two days ago Daphne died. Wow it seems like forever. I've went on so many trail rides to keep my mind off of it. Its not working. Why did it happen is the big question. We know who did it Emma. Well kind of she did. Dark energy was put into Dustin somehow, and when he and Daph were in the stable; Daphne absorbed some of it and well you know.  So now we know Emma's real and we have to do all we can to stop her.

     "Madeleine!" *

     " What?" >

     " I found something."* She handed it to me.

     " What is it? " I said turning it around.

     " Its a map of This entire mountain. There looks to be a thing here but I cant read it."*

     I looked at it for a while. " Ummm... It says ancient dungeon.">

     " What? How can you read it." *

      " Its in ancient arobids. Can't anyone read it?">

     " No. Madeleine were did you learn to read it that's a forgotten language!?"*

     " Um... I always could read it?"> Sid looked at me with open wondering eyes.

     " This is amazing!!!"*

      " Ya?" >

      " Ya!" *

      I got up from the table. " I'm gonna go on a ride.">

      " I'm coming too."+

      " Me to." *

      " Hey how long have you been standing there!">

      " A while... Ya pretty much the whole time."+

      " Oh."*

      " Well come down here then lets go riding.">

      " K."+  He slid down the stair railing.

30 min later

     " I'm going back.">

     " 2 ."*

     " I'm going to keep going."+

     " K." *> And we took off. Back at home we were studying the map." Well you think there's a possibility that we can get into it from here?"*

     " No the entrance is in that cliff over there. its impossible to climb up.>

     " Well it goes right under us... Kind of. Well apart of it does."*

     " Ya. I know it does.">

     "Cant we just find another entrance. Or make one."*

     " No! It will collapse the whole thing!" >

     " Yup."*

     " You know what I'm done for the day.">

     " Me too."* I went up to my room. "Wow is it tough!" I kicked my dresser. Ever since our powers, bad things have been happening. Daphne's gone... Emma...Ughhhh! I wish... I wish we had normal lives! With that a scroll appeared out of no were hovering in the air. A pen at its side. Stunned I fell backwards. It only moved closer. I decided to stand up and read it. It read:

Sign here to remove any power that you must have. Accrues to all who are with you, or that got that power at the same time. No re-dos. All is final.

     I couldn't believe it my one chance to go to a normal life. Here! Now! But wait what about everyone else. What about us?

Daphne's (POV) ( surprised weren't you)- Daphne-03 

     I wake up. Its dark pitch black. I try to stand but I hit my head on a metal sound. OWWCH! I feel around There bars. Metal bars. I hear a laugh in the distance. Although I cant see who it is. I feel around some more and find matches and a candle. I think. I light it.


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