Chapter 20

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I'm too lazy to name this chapter. :] Emma is now } if anyone is wondering... 

Daphne's (POV)

     " Halloo..."  }I look up , no ones there. "How nice of you to join me..." }

     " Who's there? I say in a frightened voice.

     " Oh, you know who I am." } A voice whispers in my head... Emma.

     " Why am I here? " ~

     " Because I have all your friends thinking you are dead. Gone. Done. But what they don't know is that I knocked you out and brought you down here.... You are a huge asset to their team. With out you there's no point in winning... for them. I'm stronger than all of you combined. Even if you were with them you wouldn't suceed.  I'm gonna destroy them and you are going to help me."

     " Never." ~

     I get a slap on the face and she is gone. A mirror stands on the wall. I can watch my friends through it. I close my eyes and think through everything that just happened. I start to get mad. Why would she do this ... I'm never going to help her. Never... 

Dustin's ( POV )


     "I walk up the stairs. " Hey Mads!" No response "Madeleine?" I opened her to find her about to wright something on a scroll. She looked at me stunned and frightened. "Whatcha doin?" She hid the thing behind her back. And smiled that pretty little smile.

     " What do you want do you what, Dustin?" >

      " What's that?"+

      " What?">

      " That...." I walk over to her pick her up.

      " Dustin!!!! Put me down.">

      " Nope not until you give me that." I say playfully.+

      " No.">

Madeleine's (POV)

      If he finds out what this is... It'll be so embarrassing. What am I suppose to do? " Put me down you idiot! ">

     " Madeleine you hiding something and that scroll is it I can feel its magic."+

     That's it! " What if I told you its personal.">

     " Madeleine its not I can see the title."+

     Shoot. I'm dead soo dead." Ok so if I give you it you will put me down." >

     " Yup." +

      I had no choice,  he won. " Here." I say handing it to him. 

     " Wha... Madeleine!"  +

     " Ya I know." >

     " You should have asked us first."+

     " I get it ok it was wrong. Ever since our powers, bad things are happening. I want to be normal." >

     " You are normal."+

     I look up at him fighting tears. " Well how do we get rid of it then.">

     " Bury it."+

     " What? How did you know that so quick?">

     " First thing that popped into my mind, I guess." +

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