Chapter 21 Vintuy

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Sydney's (POV)

     Its been almost a week, since the avalanche. Weird stuff has been happening. Snow storms pick up then fall down. I think its just me but I feel like somethings wrong; like Daphne is still alive, like she needs help. I've been starring into my mirror lately. I swear I see her face sometimes. But just for a second. I think I'm hallucinating.

Daphne's (POV)

     I can see them through the mirror and sometimes I think Sid sees me. I have to get to them. Emma put iron cuffs on me yesterday. Iron blocks magic but I can still do a little. I'm trying to signal Sid. "Think ...Daph. There has to be a way". Then I had it. I summoned all my might. "Dear Sid, go to the vinuty. Find me there."

     " Write that on her mirror. Please?" I say to the vinri.  Vinri are humans in the olden days who starred into his or her mirror, admiring them selves.  There admiration caught there souls and they are now trapped in the vinuty forever. ( the vinuty is the mirror realm.)

     " I guess I could..." she said.

    I give a fake sigh." I wish my hair was as pretty as yours."  I'm faking

    " Oh really you like it?" she asks coolly.

     " Ya its really pretty and your skin is flawless." I say laughing in my head

     " Well I guess I could write that note."

     " Please could you?"

     " Ya Ill do it."

     "Thank you." I've been giving her compliments for about an hour know. Vinri love compliments. You have to win there favor if you want them to do something for you. 

Sydney's (POV)

     " Ya Mads ill be in my room." I yell from upstairs. Ugggh. I go past my mirror onto my bed. I stare at the celling for a while. KNOCK KNOCK.

     " HEY you!" the vinri says.

     I look up. I have never seen one before. I thought they were a myth. I walk towards it. 

     " A note for you..." She rolls her eyes and flings it at me then walks away.

     Dear Sid

            Go to the vinuty. Find me there.


       I sit there my mouth open." I...I...I was right." I whisper and walk into my mirror. Silvery, glass covers my body and for a minute I cant breath. But I keep walking, hypnotized and shocked by what's happening. Then I see it the mirror across from me, with Daphne looking in. Down the long whit hallway I run. Never seeming to come closer. Then I stop and its pitch black. 

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