Chapter 8 Before Us

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       I thought I would go on a little ride and explore. After all I did just move here. So, I went and I explored around a little. "Wow!", I said to Rapid, "This place is amazing all the caves and valleys, its amazing out here!" I tied my horse up and went into a cave. There was a imprint of a snowflake. The same as my arm! I touched it. It started to glow with my arm. I screamed! It felt like all my power was getting drawn out of me. Then all of a sudden it was just, gone. A door opened in the wall, as if I summoned it. I walked in. There was an empty room with a crystal in the middle of it and on the north wall a scroll. The walked over to the crystal, and touched it waiting for something to happen. But only a fifth of it lit up. One fifth what is that suppose to mean? Next I walked over to the scroll, and opened it. Names. Just... names. Names of all the Spirits of Winter  that ever lived. All of them were the same except one.


        It was glowing gold. I had to show this to the others. "C'mon Rapid. Lets go." Carrying the scroll I galloped off to the castle; only to be stopped when I noticed the scroll was gone.  I kept going to the castle." Guys!" I yelled as I jumped off my horse.( At the same time I made a wind rope to tie him. ) " You will never believe what I found!"
       In an instant we were galloping to the cave.             

    " Nothings here."                  

    " Dustin is this a joke."                   

    " No wait I can show you."           

   "  I said in my defense. I put my hand on the snowflake,( none of them had seen when the walked in.) They did the same. I felt the sucking motion again. The others started to panic. " Don't worry it does nothing." Then the door opened. The crystal was no longer glowing. " Touch this." I say. We all touched it, one by one. Only Madeline's was orange.      

      " Wow. That's awesome." Sydney said.

      " You think that's cool look at this." We walked over to the scroll. I read the names of the last generation of our kind...: Alina,  Emma, Kellie, and Matthew.

       " Why is Emma glowing?"      
           " I don't know."        
              " Well the crystal is split into 5 parts, we are all one fifth of it; and there's only 4 of us. So Emma must be the last part of the equation."      
                  We all stare at Daphne like she's crazy.       
                " What I have good math grades." She says in defense.      
                  " Well we have no contact with her. We don't even know where she lives, who she is, or what she is. We don't even know if she is a she!So I say we focuses on our own lives. For now."   
                      " Ok then."      

          " Alright lets go home then. Agreed?"     

           " Sounds good to me."      

           " Why not."   

   So we galloped home. Feed our horses. Ate. And went to bed.

Mean while what they didn't know is that a dark cloaked figure was coming for them.    



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