Chapter 15 Getting ready for PROM!

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Sydney's (POV)

OMG! Today is the day!! Were are so excited! Daphne, Madeleine, and I have not gotten hardly any sleep. I have been preparing my room. I have 3 mirrors, 3 nail sections, and 1 hot tube. Ya I reflect light off of ice. witch warms the water. Daphne and Madeleine went galloping to my old house to get my makeup. Ya, its only a like 2 day run , but there riding there horses at top speed. YAY!!! I'm so exited!!!! While there gone I'm helping Dustin...

" Ow Sid stop your pulling to hard!"

" Its just hair stupid."

" I know but I don't what there to be a bald spot on the top of my head!"

" OK... I'm almost done."

" Good." I turn his chair to a mirror.

" You like..."

" Ya."

" EEEE Good now go put on your suit." He went in his closet. And came out with an ugly purple suit on. " Ewww... no your other suit." He came out with a burf colored suit. " No. You know what I mean." He put on his beautiful ice one. " Ahhh ya that's the one." I went over and made a tie for him." Ice tie with ice shirt." Then I herd the door open. Daphne and Madeleine came in.

" You wont believe what happened to us. Your parents are moving so they had all your stuff on the lawn. People were buying it."

" Your mom through your makeup in the moving truck. She thought it was hers."

" So we climbed in there to get it."

" And they closed the door and started moving!" They said in unison.

" Then they stopped. Opened the door to secure the dresser that fell down when they started moving. We ran out."

" Wow that's crazy." I said. " Now lets get going before we are late." So we ran in my room and shut the door. Ok nails first.

" Ill do Mads!" Daphne said.

" Ill do Daphs!" I said.

" Ill do Syds." Madeleine said.


" Ill have orange Daph."

" OK Ill have white sparkly."

" Ill have dark blue." So we did our nails then we did our hair. While we wait for our nails to dry we soak in the hot tube.

" Now the dresses!"

So we put on our dresses.( There the same ones as in chapt. 12)



" Ok lets show Dustin."

" Wow you guys look great."

" Thx." I said.

" Yay we are going to prom!!" It was only about 9:00 in the morning. So we took a nap. We haven't slept in a while." We woke up at 11:00. " Lets go!"

" So we climb in our saddles."

" Lets go!"

" We galloped away."

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