Chapter 14

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Felix POV

It's been days. I don't know how long, but it has been days. I haven't kept up with the time. The room I was in had no clock, had no windows. It just had a fan and nothing else. Toby was right beside me, laying down, hugging his knees tightly. We were moved to another cage, with a bunk bed. We we're both starving. Toby's colour has gone all pale and he had not been responding to me for a few days now. No one came to check on us, no one gave us care or concern. We're gonna die, probably. They only provided a bottle of water.

I stared at the wall for god knows how long, an hour? I've been reflecting. Thinking about death. I couldn't take it any more. I could feel my sanity fading away, I could eat Toby whole and probably kill myself as well. Last meal, ain't it? I wanted to eat one last time before I killed myself. 

I shook my head and slapped it. What was I thinking? I'd rather die with someone I finally could understand, when I'm supposed to hate him, according to the internet. How many subscribers do I have now? are the bros worried about me? did the 'siblings' announce that we're all dead? I teared up thinking about it.

My mind was full of  thoughts, questions. It was filled up that it felt like it was going to explode.

"we're both going to die, aren't we?' Toby teared up. His body was just as shaky as his voice. I felt terrible. I pitied him so much I wanted to give him a hug. 

"Don't lose hope." was all I said. 

It has been hours, nothing was progressing. 

I fell in a deep sleep, dreaming about my beautiful girlfriend, when i heard the door slam open. Toby jumped down of the top bed and fell, forcing himself up and held on to the bars. He seemed to have a hard time working his legs, since it's been ages since he got out of the bed.

"Woah" Tessa chuckled. 

"I want OUT." Toby made the last word clear. His face was fierce as hell and he seem so upset.

"Look who's desperate." She chuckled again. "at least you're getting food." 

She had a tray of food that we did not notice. She knelt down and before she could slide the food through the hole, Toby snatched it and ate whatever was on it. I walked to him and took the other plate and walked back to my bed.Tess walked away. And before she walked out, she said,

"Stay alive."

 Before I took a bite, I looked at her, and realised she gave me a pitiful smile.


Senpais r u prood of me now 

First chapter of this year lmfao I feel sooooo bad.

I'll post again maybe tmr! 



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