Chapter 12

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Tobuscus POV

The muscular men threw us in a cell. With no food, no anything. It was just an empty room.

I looked at Felix and shouted, "this is all your fault!"

He turned to me, his sad face Suddenly turned into an upset one, "what did I do?"

I let out a frustrated sigh and stood up, "if you were even more careful, you would've known it was a trap! Marzia's voice was just a stupid recorded voice of hers! How could you be so easily tricked?" I pointed at him angrily.

"Why are you blaming me for all this? I know I got tricked into thinking it was her, but if it was you, you would've done the same thing, would you?" Felix shouted back, disbelief written all over him.

"Why would you think I was trapped with you? I wanted to stop you but it was too late." I replied.

"Oh, so now you're the hero!" Felix stood up and folded his arms.

"I didn't even say that! I just said that I could've saved us both from this!" I shouted.

Felix let out a sigh, "look, I don't want to fight in a situation like this, let's just find a plan to get out of this place."

PewDiePie POV

We heard slow claps from afar and we looked out of the cell bars.

"Great show! How about you guys continue fighting? I like it that way!" Richard gave out a laugh.

Behind him was the the bunch of people who wanted to steal all our channels, including his three 'siblings'.

"Let the four of us mainly introduce ourselves. I, the mastermind of everything, am Richard Gail. This is Emily Jane, my girlfriend, Tessa Quinn and Henry Smith. The Dumbell crap was just a useless name that I created." Richard smirked.

"The girlfriend part wasn't necessary you know." Toby mumbled.

I almost choked on my own saliva trying hard not to laugh. "If this is not the 'Dumbell Forest' or whatever, then where are we?" I asked, confused.

"It's a forest that was really owned by my parents. But here's how the story really goes, I was promised by parents that I could keep the forest as my own if they think I'm responsible enough. I forced them to leave after I owned this forest and make them live in the city. They're obviously rich, I wouldn't care less about what they do. If they could own their own forest, they could probably own anything in the city." Richard gave an innocent smile to us that changed into an evil look, "I did this just to get my revenge to you assholes, even the ones still wandering around the forest."

"We're innocent for God's sake! We want out!". Toby grabbed the bars and shook them violently.

"Innocent?" Emily chuckled. "And we want in. Into your channels." She went close to Toby's face and he moved away.

"What?" Toby backed away.

"Give me both your passwords to your channels. I'll be taking over Felix's channel and Emily will take over Toby's." Richard moved towards Emily and gave her a smile.

"Never in a million years!" I shouted.

"So this is what you want to play, huh? Then get ready for the game you're going to play." Richard gave out an evil smirk.

Markiplier POV

The six of us were left behind by Emily. Me, Lui Calibre, MissesMae, Minx, CinnamonToastKen and Cry.

We don't have much stuff with us as Emily took some.

We've been walking around for hours trying to find a living soul around us. We were almost out of food and we're extremely exhausted. The few hours we spent walking were silent. Non of us talked and we kept walking straight, hoping for the best.

We spent the next hour doing the same thing when Minx Suddenly fainted. She was too exhausted and hungry to go on. Same for the rest of us. We all sat around Minx, giving her water and some food that we had left.

We heard multiple footsteps coming from afar. I turned around and shouted, "Hey! Anybody out there who could help us?"

"Where are you?" I heard someone reply back.

I stood up and jumped up and down, waving my hand like a mad person. "Right here! I'm waving right now, if you could see me!"

"Yes! I see you!" The voice replied back.

"Thank God! Thank you so-" I felt darkness consume me as my words faded away. I felt a hard hit on my back and heard the rest of them shouting.

I woke up with Ken in front of me, relieved.

"What happened?" I groaned, realizing I'm in a tent.

"You fainted." He replied.

He gave me some food and a water bottle.

"I thought we were out of-" I paused my sentence as I saw a beautiful creature crawling in the tent.

It was Marzia, Felix's girlfriend. Darn.

"Hey. You okay there?" Marzia gave me a smile and patted my back.

"Yes, I am." I smiled back.

"Fortunately, non of our things were being stolen. At least Tess attempted to." Marzia sat comfortably in front of me.

I could clearly see that. Tess was pretty skinny and looked pretty weak. I guess it was easy to snatch things from her.

"Thankfully. We were almost out of food and you guys really saved us. We owe you big time." I replied, as I turned to Ken who nodded of agreement.

"Where are the rest?" I asked.

"Outside." Ken replied my question.

"There's Kalel, Coleen and Olga." Marzia added.

"Thank God!" I placed my hand on my chest, relieved that there's more people found.

Ryan Higa POV

We stared at the ground confused of what just happened. Since the cage was made of bamboo shoots and tied up with a few strings, Anthony and Shane used their scissors to cut off the strings. It wasn't very strong, so it collapsed easily.

We pushed the broken cage away and Ian wanted to walk towards the trap. I lifted my hand to his chest to stop him from doing so. I took one of the bamboo shoots and threw it on the trap. It opened. I was curious and looked down. I started to feel the bottom of the trap shake and the distant sound of, what to my knowledge, were monkeys who were apparently about to come out of the trap.

That was when we knew we had to run away before they attacked us or something.

We all ran off and hid in a tiny cave-like hole.

Fortunately, they didn't manage to find us.

Suddenly, we heard a faint laughter and someone whisper, "It's so easy to let them fall for our trap."

There was an even lower voice, I assume was a guy, who gave a chuckle, "I know. They're too dumb to even think about where they're going."

Then, a metal closing appeared in front of the opening of the cave, trapping us in.

That moment I knew, we were in another trap.

We turned back to where the voices were and saw three guys and one girl approaching us.

"Hello there, friend." The girl smirked.
Oh hi there. Haha. I'm actually going to post a lot of chapters in a day because I made chapter 11 and more when I'm overseas. I could write, but I couldn't publish :(

But anyways, I would say It's my way of apologizing, by uploading a few chapters in one go!

Anyways that's all for chapter 12. Chapter 13 coming up!

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