Chapter 15

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Tess POV

Richard told us to go to sleep. He went back into his room where he plans out everything that goes on. He is the mastermind. He is the ringleader. He is the most cruellest man I have ever known, but I don't know why I decided to follow his orders. 

Days passed and I've been spying on the two poor men stuck in a cage, away from their luxurious home and in front of a camera being viewed by millions of people. Now, they look like prisoners and their popularity seem like it never happened. 

Life goes on, the most pitiful I get. The three others still were evil as ever and I couldn't take it anymore.  They took it too far. 

Toby POV

Shit still went on, everyday, laying on the floor, refusing to communicate, refusing to keep the hope I had left. I dropped everything. I'm weak. 

Everything went blur, I knew I was going to sleep, but then the scent of incense and rose caught me from going into my peaceful slumber. I saw a figure squatting down, looking at me from the other side of the bars. 

I tried to concentrate, squinting my eyes. I realised it was Tess, again. 

"Hi." Tess started, with a shaky and nervous tone.

I nodded my head and gave a sarcastic smile.

Tess' concerned smile faded away into a guilty frown.

She walked close to the bars, waving Felix to come over. She leaned over to our faces and whispered,

"Look, I am truly sorry. I wanna help you all. I am ready to face the consequences. I don't even know why I chose to do this. The point is, I'm gonna get you both out, I promise." She smiled proudly.

"How can we trust you?" I gave her a seriously upset face. 

She could've help us earlier. We're being treated like dogs.

She sighed, "please."

I could tell that she was stating the truth. Either way, even if she lied we'd still end up dead, in the cage or being deceived. I don't care if I die anymore.

Tess POV

I was walking around the house that Richard owned, where we slept, slowly waiting for each and every innocent Youtuber die. 

Everyone was still asleep, I couldn't, so I grabbed a glass of water. I saw the room of Richard's, lights still on. He's clearly awake. I heard him mumbling 'no' multiple times.

"No, no, no, shit........think Richard!......shit.......wrong, wrong....they're not that stupid, no, NO!" 

I gasped. He threw something at the door, as the door got hit and it shook violently. 

"WHO'S THERE?" He shouted across the door.

Weirdly enough, he could hear my gasp. The house was probably really quiet.

"Tessa." I shouted back. "can I come in Rick?" 

"Come on in." 

I walked in, looking at him holding a broken chair. He seemed to calm himself down. 

"So, what is it?" he smiled and crossed his legs.

"Well, about the two guys in the basement, I think you took their suffering way to far than expected." I nervously said.

His smile faded away.

"Excuse me?"


"Who are you exactly?"

"Richard I mean-"

"No one tries to interrupt me during important procedures."


He looked at me, surprised yet puzzled by my actions. He was speechless.

He stood up, turned around and sighed loudly.


he turned his head at the side, speaking very softly,

"It's either you're with me, or against me." 

He turned back and looked at the painting just above the huge window,

"You make your own decisions, Tessa. But if you're against me,"

He quickly turned and leaned over to me, hands on my shoulders,

"You. Will. Lose."

Chills ran up my spine. I felt fragile. He could break my torso with his huge, strong hands.

I knew he meant that I will die, when I don't listen to his instructions. I knew that it was tough to get them out, but it doesn't make a difference. They deserved the freedom, they deserved to go back home to their worried family.

I didn't care about how scary Richard was. All I cared about is the innocent people out there, who could die at any second. 

"Okay." I whispered. 

I stood up and walked out. 

I went back to my bed. The words kept on repeating in my head. 

"It's either you're with me, or against me."

"You. Will. Lose."

I could still feel his hands on my shoulders, like he left it there to keep me traumatised. I was wide awake for the rest of the night.


Author's Note

Hello! Hope you enjoyed that. I know it's boring, but I prefer to take it a bit slower and not rush and squeeze everything in a chapter.

I'm doing a chapter a day, but it's exams next week and tomorrow, so I can't confirm that. But once it's done, I will definitely update hopefully every single day! Really hope you enjoyed today's chapter :)



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