Chapter 11

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Author's Note:

Hey guys It's been months since I last updated. I really apologise but you know, school. I took two extra exams last month and I had to study super hard. (Forget the 'super' I left in there haha)

After the exams, I left for another country and there was no internet *cries* Sadly, I couldn't update.

All of you must've hated me for taking so long to update but I'm finally updating and I'll try my best to update more!
Marzia POV

This is unbelievable! Tess left us all by ourselves! She even attempted to take our things, but of course she didn't.

(4 hours ago)

Normal POV

Marzia, Kalel, Olga Kay and Coleen were sitting around the campfire.

They were all talking about their YouTube careers and how they should all make a YouTube collab. Yes, they became that close. Coleen, also known as Miranda Sings, was telling them funny jokes and imitating her character, which obviously made them laugh, but quietly. Tess was asleep. At least that's what they thought.

Suddenly, they heard a zipping sound coming from the tent that Tess was in. They immediately hid behind all of their other tents. They scanned every move, as she seems suspicious. Tess went to the closest tent, which was Marzia's. As she quietly went in, she whispered, "what the hell?" Realizing that Marzia was gone. She didn't bother much and took her bag full of food supplies and a big water bottle. As she was turned around, she saw the four girls with upset faces standing in front of the tent.

Tess immediately made a run for it. But unfortunately for her, she wasn't fast enough to let the girls grab the bag. Panicking, she let the bag go and ran away.

(Back to normal)

Marzia POV

We had took all our stuff and left after that. We knew we couldn't stay. We needed to find out why she left, or at least, find the rest of the three groups. We had everything we needed, even our phones. We wanted to make a call, but there was no signal in the forest.

We knew the siblings were up to something. And whatever happened back there, was probably part of the plan.

Richard POV

I was in a secret underground cave with my siblings. All with sinister smiles upon our faces. Our plan was working perfectly. We struggled to steal their things, but at least we tried. But of course, it couldn't keep them surviving for a very long time.

We wanted to place cameras around the forest, but who am I kidding, we knew every single part of the forest. Not only that, we have friends that are out there, who can inform us their every move. We placed many traps and enemies everywhere. This was to have my revenge. And whatever the reason is, will be known sooner or later.

PewDiePie POV

All six of us were wandering around not knowing where to go. We were short on water, but we had plenty of food. We knew we needed to find the two others groups really badly. We were lost, thirsty, and tired. We have been shouting for help, and even the names of the other YouTubers in the other groups.

I kept shouting Marzia's name. Over and over. I was extremely worried for her. As I gave another shout of her name, I heard someone call my name. We all stopped walking and gave each other shocking faces. I shouted her name again, and I heard the same voice calling back. I could recognize it. It was Marzia. I made the first move and ran towards where the voice was. Everybody tagged along.

As I ran towards her voice, tears was rolling down my cheeks, relieved that she was safe. Suddenly, a giant cage went down from nowhere. I turned around and saw Toby. We were both trapped. Suddenly, the plot of land below us disappeared and I fell hard on a metal slide, landing on my back. Toby was sliding beside me, with a painful expression on his face. He must've hit hard as well. The slide ended and we landed on a really thin mattress. Both of us groaned of pain at the same time, too painful to even look around. I opened my eyes and saw the siblings staring right at us, like they were staring into our souls.

"Grab them" Richard said, still looking at us. The siblings didn't move at all, which I expected them to. Then, four really muscular men came from the back and I tried to move away, but my body was too hurt to even move a single inch. They grabbed our hands and violently pulled us to our feet. We groaned of pain again.

"Why are you doing this?" I said, struggling to say the words.

"It's revenge." Richard walked towards us.

"What did we even do to you? We never even met you before all this happened!" Toby exclaimed.

"I told you my sad little story. But it was ridiculous how you guys fell for it." Richard chuckled.

"You lied to us?" Toby said, sounding pretty upset. "Why-"

Before he could continue his sentence, Richard interrupted, "I wanted to be a youtuber as well. Famous, well liked, loved by millions of people. I started a long time ago. I had a few subscribers. When I opened my heart and tell people how much I wanted to be a famous youtuber and get millions of subscribers, everyone found me ridiculous! They told me how you people are better than me and how I could never win over you people. Both of your names came out the most! I felt so upset and embarrassed. You guys are the reason to why I couldn't be famous! You took my place! And guess what? These aren't even my siblings! They're all of the other people who experienced the same situation as me! We want to take over every single of your channels, and let all your subscribers know that you people don't care about your subscribers and your channel anymore. I'll take over your channels and change the names of them. We deserve this better than you people! We deserve this fame!"

"But there's only four of you! How about the rest of the other youtubers?" I exclaimed.

Suddenly, a few more people came out from nowhere. "I didn't say only the four of us, did I?"
That was chapter 11! It's pretty long
And I think you guys deserve it!

Damn, the plot twists! I felt like my story should have a little twist in it! Okay, that's all!


My Horrible Roommate (A Pewbuscus FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora