Chapter 4: Principals, Buses, And Little Kids

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I growled, walking into the building and heading to the office. Stupid Zane. Why the Hell did he make me so pissed off?!

I walked into the office, taking time to look at all the trophies. We had won many awards here at Kennedy.

I took a seat, checking the time on my phone.



Mr.Stricklin's assistant, Mrs.Pinkertin, called me, telling me to go in.

I walked slowly, God, all this for a tardy? What did he think I did? Went for a joy ride on a motorcycle?

Alright... Whatever.

I walked into his office and took a seat. He was looking at me weird. Like, really weird.


I froze. I hated it when he called me that. Why can't he call me Kodi?

"Where have you been?" His voice was stern.

"I-I uh..."

He laughed. Again. Why was he always laughing at me?

"Relax, I'm just kidding"

Damn you, Mr.Stricklin. Damn you.


"I was wanting to know if your start your mentoring early today"

Why did he always mess with me?

"Alright. When?" Anytime was good for me.

"Now good?"

I got to miss the rest of school for this. Hell yeah! And no tardy!


I got the address and walked to the bus stop. No way was I letting Mr.Bastard take me. No matter how much I hated the bus.

I pulled out my phone and texted Ash.

Not going 2 b at school 2day. Ttyl.

I clicked my phone off and slipped it in my bag as the bus rode up.

I told him where to go then payed the fare and say down.

I got off the bus and walked towards Kennedy Elementary. I'd be helping with Mrs.Walker's 2nd grade. My sister was in Mrs.Neil's class.

I walked in and signed into the office to get my visitors pass.

I remember when I went here when I was younger. It's where I met Ash and Alex. It's where a lot of things happened when I was younger...

I walked down the hallways looking for Mrs.Walker's class. Mrs.Dickens, Mr.Mayes, Ms.Nickel, ah Mrs.Walker!

I knocked on the door to let them know I was there, then walked in.

There were little miniature chairs and desks, and little miniature people at them.

God I loved little kids.

Mrs.Walker is a short, skinny woman, who couldn't be any older than 25. She looked a little older from the wrinkles under her eyes. Probably from stress...

Oh God, what did I get myself into?

I observed the class, learned a few names, helped with some vocabulary. It was fun.

"Um Kodi?" I heard Mrs.Walker call

"Yes Ma'am?"

"Chloe is going home early... Would you mind taking her out?" I could see the pleading in her eyes.

"Of course not, I'd love too." I smiled reassuringly towards her.

"Oh thank you, Love," she called out Chloe's name and a little girl with brown hair came up.

"Yes, Mrs.Walker?" Her voice was so sweet and innocent.

"Kodi here is gonna take you to the office. You're brother is here to get you!"

The little girl smiled,"Yay!"

I motioned the little girl along to the door way.

I saw Mrs.Walker mouth a "Thank you" as I left.

I opened the door and let Chloe through before walking out and shutting it.

"So, Chloe, did you have fun today?"

She smiled,"It was awesome! I really like you! Will you be here more often?"

I smiled, Geez little kids were cute. "I'm here for the rest of the year, Sweetie"

She jumped up and down, clapping. "Yay! You're cool Kodi! I like you!" She hugged me and I smiled.

"I like you too, Chloe. Now let's go bring you to your brother ok?"

"Ok Kodi!" She skipped, and I mean skipped, along down the hallway humming. Then she saw something and ran.

"Chloe! Wait u-" I stopped. I saw what had happened. She had seen her brother and ran. Who's her brother you say?

I saw that smirk.

"Oh, hey Clumsy."



So, I Know It Wasn't The BEST Chapter, But I Had School ._. I'm Trying To Update Regularly And That's Why They Aren't Long. I Update Usually At Least Once A Day. Soo You Can't Complain.

Also! Please Go Check Out My Buddy Nyancatter! He's A Close Friend In Real Life And This Is His First Time On Wattpad c:

So This Chapter You Met Chloe And Mrs.Walker! Chloe Will Have Great Importance. Just You Wait And See. DUNN DUNN DUNNNNNNN!

Alright Then, Goodnight (Or Whatever Current Time You're Reading This) My Lovelies <3

Love GameDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora