Chapter 10: Panties, Sprite Hogging, And Bad Lying

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I hated my boys sometimes...

I was sitting on my living room couch, Linkin Park blasting, drinks everywhere, and drunks being drunks.

It was my first night and they already managed to get everyone yet for a party.

This was abso-positively-freaking perfect. I hate parties so God Damn much.

Ash was drinking and talking to Brandon, who was checking out some blonde chick.

Guys, all the same. I'll just do without them! It'll save a lot of pain and energy.

I yawned and closed my eyes, listening to the music when it hit me.

No, not an idea.

A fucking pair of lacy panties.

"Bloody Hell?!" I threw them at the wall and sighed. I hated this.

I felt the couch dip and I opened my eyes back and saw Lucas.

"Hey, Babe"

I ignored him. I'll show him to have a party over at my house.



He slid over and draped an arm over my shoulders,"Pretty please, talk to me?"

"What Luke?" I gave in.

He smiled,"You need to have fun. You're rich, funny, beautiful," he poked my cheek, which made me giggle,"and after this party... You'll no longer be the "Nerd". You'll be the popular pretty girl you always should have been."

I smiled and kissed his cheek,"You're really a jerk sometimes.. But the other times, you're a real softie!" I messed up his hair and giggled.

"Shh. Not everyone needs to know that," He winked and pulled me into his chest and held me in his arms. "I'm sorry you're sad, Sweetheart. They'll be back soon, and until then, we'll all be here for you."

I pressed my face into his chest and mumbled,"I know, Babe. I know..." I leaned up and pecked his cheek, then hugged him again,"Thank you..."

"You're welcome. Now get off, if I'm gonna get laid tonight, I need to work fast... And I see a pretty little brunette who seems lonely."

I chuckled,"God, you're shameless!"

He smirked and messed up my hair,"I know, Babe, but that's why you love me!"

"Oh that's why? Thanks for reminding me, I never knew."

"Whatever, Babe," He chuckled and pressed his lips to my forehead.

I smiled then got off his lap,"Go get her, Tiger," I winked at him,"Just no babies, and not in my bedroom. Deal?"

He rolled his eyes,"Take the fun out of it why don't you, Ko?" He smiled then walked over to a ran brunette and began flirting.

He was so fucking shameless... But who wouldn't be Lucas if he wasn't.

I decided to get some some Sprite and walked into the kitchen. Hmm, I opened the fridge and saw my Sprite gone.

"Damn Sprite hoggers..." I mumbled and poured a glass of water.

I pushed myself onto the counter and swung my legs as I sipped the water and watched idiot drunks.

Some guy was dancing shirtless on a table, a girl was spinning rapidly, and some red head making out with some guy in a corner.

Wait... That's MY red head...

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