Chapter 19: Different Looks, Second Thoughts, And Nancy Drew

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I woke up before the alarm and quickly got dressed. I decided on a simple Cookie Monster t -shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans with holes in the knees. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeh. That's when I got a good look at myself in the mirror. I looked horrid. Maybe I should try something new for my first day back... I mean, they haven't seen me since the party... Might as well spice it up, right?

I straightened my hair, and when I was satisfied with the results, I applied some pale blue eyeshadow, like I has seen Ash do before, and a little mascara. I then ran to Ash's closest, my second closest, and looked all the way through it until I came across a thigh high, blue strapless dress, with a pale cream, lacey top to it. This'll do. I slipped off my t-shirt and jeans and slid on the dress. I didn't look in the mirror yet, because I wanted it to be a suprise. I walked back to her closest and found a fringed, jean purse to match. I picked out one of my favourite pairs of sunglasses and one of Ash's dangley bracelets. I was done! Well besides shoes.. I decided to put my own touch into this outfit and slipped on my blue pair of converse. There! I walked to my closest and slowly shut the door to look in my full-length mirror.

I got a good look at myself and was suprised I was the same person! For someone who had NO idea how to do ANYTHING fashionable, I think I managed pretty well. If only I had my phone, I'd take a pic for Ash. Oh well, she'll see me at school. Oh my gosh I'm so excited!

I checked my clock and saw it was only 7:10. I still had 30 minutes before I had to leave to bring Chloe to school.

CHLOE! I forgot to wake her up! She has 30 minutes... She'll be fine, right?

I ran over to her room and right as I was fixing to bang on it, she opens it, all dressed, and walks passed me. Oh my God, what a relief! I smiled and followed her downstairs, "What would you like for breakfast, Hun?"

She thought for a moment, then something when off in her, "Can you make me pancakes in the shapes of little hearts?"

I laughed softly, "Of course, Chlo," She began bouncing up and down as I started her pancakes. She was just so cute! It's a shame she's related to Zane. I'm still suprised about that really. She's too sweet, but from what I'm seeing, he may be too. Who knows.

I put Chloe's pancakes on her plate then let her eat. I got some yogurt and ate that. The maids and chef are still off, I felt as if they needed some extra time off, my parents were always working them. Besides, I don't absolutely need them tending to my every need. I got this.

I finished my yogurt and Chloe finished her pancakes, then we headed out the door. I checked the clock as we passed and it read 7:37. Perfect, we're right on cue.

I dropped her off at the elementary and then drove to the high school. It was only 7:48 so I had plenty of time since school started at 8:10. Right before she hopped out, she looked at me and smiled, "Oh and Ko? You look beautiful."

I parked at my school. It looked just the same. Even though I haven't seen it in 2 weeks. It didn't miss me I can see.

I opened the door and that's when the denial kicked in. Maybe I should wait one more day.. I mean, I still need to recover... I shouldn't have put on this dress, it isn't like me...

I checked the time and saw it was 8:03. I had no time to go change...

I sighed. Well, here goes.

I stepped out, put my keys in the purse, and put my sunglasses on. I shut the door and made my way to the building. As I walked in, I saw people staring, and heard a few whistles. I wonder what about.

I found Ash and jogged over to her, "Hey!"

She turned and looked at me, "Oh, you must be new here. The office is right over there," she pointed then resumed talking to a girl that's name started with a T or something.

I smiled and took off the glasses, "Um Ash? I know where the office is."

"How do you know my-" she turned and saw me, "Oh my lord, Kodi?!"

I bit on my lower lip and smiled, "Hey, Ash."

Her eyes were wide and so was T girl's eyes, "Oh my god, Kodi! You look amazing! I'm shocked! I heard people whistling and staring, but I thought it was because a new kid!"

So she saw it too, "Yeah, what's that about?"

Her jaw went slack then she grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around, "You, bitch. They're whistling as staring at you!"

My eyes widened, "R-Really..?"

She laughed, then realized I was being serious, "Yes! You look amazing and that party was like the best party of the year! Don't expect to be the nerd anymore. You're popular."

Before I could respond, the bell rang and Ash ran off to first period. Well, great.

I walked into first period band and noticed more people staring. Before I could get my instrument out, the band director Mr.Milter, came out and told us today was just a free play because he needed to grade things.

Free play just is his more technical way of saying free period. So I grabbed my Nancy Drew novel and went up against the instrument lockers. I was fixing to finish the chapter when I was so rudely interupted, "Um, hey, you new here?"

I looked up and saw it was Blayne. Blayne Ace. Preppy Blayne Ace, "Um no actually. I've always gone to school here."

He crouched down beside me and studied me then smirked, "No, I'm sure I'd remember a pretty girl like you."

I shook my head, "Blayne, it's Kodi. Kodi Hollis. We've known each other since kindergarden when you stuck gum in my hair. Remember?"

His eyes widened, then he smiled cockily, "Oh well I can definately say you've changed. Oh and nice party, Kodi."

Wow, guys are so... Guyish, "Thanks and thanks," I smiled, trying to tell him to go away now and tried finishing my chapter.

"Hey I was wondering," I looked up and he was scratchting the back of his neck, "A couple of us are going to the beach after school.. You, uh, wanna come?"

He was biting his lip, "I'd love too... But I've got to babysit. Sorry, Blayne."

He nodded, "Alright, if you change your mind, or need somewhere to sit at lunch, you know where to find me," he winked then got up and walked off. Ugh, finally, I can finish this chapter.

I looked down at my book.

And then Nancy found something to change this whole mystery. But right before she could pick it up, she was hit in the back of the head and knocked out by-

The bell rang before I could finish. Damn it!



Sorry It Took Awhile :c But To Make Up For It, Suprises Shall Be Happening Next Chapter cx I'm Aiming For About 40 Chapters So Next Chapter Will Be The Middle So DUN DUN DUNN.

Well, Neon Griffins, My Lovelies! <3

Papaphobia, The Fear Of The Pope.

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