Chapter 20: Blushing Games, Banana Nut Bread, And Deals

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After a few more agonizing class periods with weirdos watching me, it was finally time for lunch. Oh thank God! I'll have Ash, Luke, Alex, Nathan, and Brandon to comfort me. This should work!

Wait... Luke... Dammit! We haven't talked since what happened at his house... Dammit dammit dammit GODDAMMIT!

"Princess..? Something wrong?" I heard his voice and quickly spun around. I saw Zane smirking before me.

How did he get out of the hospital so fast? I had to wait a week to go back to school, "Zane? How did you manage to let them say you can come today?"

He shrugged, "Being this hot has its advantages. You should try it some time. I mean," He looked me up and down, noticing what I was wearing, "You seem to be already trying."

I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my hand. I spun around and looked at him, " What?"

"Come by my house after school."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why?"

He looked at me like I was stupid, "Chloe, dummy. I have to go straight home or the hospital will be pissed. Can you just come by and drop her off?"

Oh, duh, "Yeah sure. Now BYEEE," I broke free from him and walked, at a fast pace, to lunch.

When I walked in, I saw everyone already at the table. Alex and Nathan were chatting. Ash and Brandon were flirting. Then there was Luke. Looking like a lost puppy, not knowing what to do. I wasn't that hungry so I jogged over and slid into my seat next to Ash. Also in front of Luke, "Heeyyyyy guyysssss!!'

Everyone's heads turned to me. Ash was smirking because she was the only one that new about my little "transormation".

Luke was the first to speak, "Daammmmnnnnn, Babe. This is the second time I've seen you wearing something hot."

I tilted my head to the side, trying to figure what he ment, "What do you mean "second"? When was the first?"

He smirked, "The night of the party when you stepped out of the shower. I saw you naked, reemmemmberrr?"

My cheeks got really hot and I put my head down on the table. I heard a smack and Luke whimper. Alex started laughing so I assumed he slapped him.

"Hun, you always look great, what he means to say is, you look especially lovely today," I heard Alex's voice state.

"Of course you do, Ko. But no matter what, you'll always be out little Ko Ko," I heard Nathan say and I started laughing and brought my head up.

"Guys guys, are we having a party to make Kodi blush? Cuz if so, I have a good one," Brandon piped up.

I wanted to slap him through Ash, but she was blocking the space between us, "Hellllll no!'

Everyone laughed and Ash said, "Happy blushing games, and may the odds be never in her favor."

I slapped Ash then we all started laughing. The bell rang for 6th period and we all parted.

As I was walking, I saw Karmen in the hall, alone. Woah, he posse is gone. DUN DUN DUNN!

After the final bell rang, I got my stuff and headed to the car. I had "collected" 5 phone numbers, 6 date invites, and 1 "Marry me"... Interesting what appearances can do to horny little teenagers these days.

I got in the car and started towards the elementary to get Chloe. On the way, I suddenly remembered I had to give her back today. As I arrived, Chloe jumped in all bouncy, "Happy, Munchkin?"

She giggled, "Yup! I get to see Bubba!"

I smiled, "Yes you do. We're on our way right now."


I giggled and headed towards Zane's house. I only knew the adress because I got it from the hospital when I needed to pick Chloe up.

We headed towards the house and I was kind of sad to have to let her go back. The house would be quiet again.. She was like my new sister since Hallie left.

We turned the corner and I saw it. The house of Zane. I forgot how huge it was. 2 story, huge front and back yard, 2 garages, and a balconey on the second floor. I mean, my house is 3 story, but his seems more... Homey.

We pulled in and Chloe bolted out. I turned off the engine and headed after her. I knocked on the door then Chloe just pulled me in saying it was her house.

When I stepped in everything changed. It smelled kind of like banana nut bread. The whole place was in perfect condition. White floor, grand staircase, white marble counters, Zane, a huge flat screen, lovely couc- Zane?!

He was leaning against the wall and his face lit up when he saw Chloe, "Come here, Sunshine!"

He picked her up and spun her around, thus causing her to giggle. He then put her down and smiled, "Ok, Love. Go play and let my and Kodi talk, ok?"

She giggled, "Ok, Bubba! Be nice to my sissy!" Then she ran off up the stairs.

I had been looking around and was stuck on a photo. It was of Zane, Chloe, and what I assumed to be his parents. They were all smiling and happy but Zane, "Ah, family photo. I hated taking that one.

I tunred around and nearly ran into Zane's chest. He was so close to me, he was pushing me up against the wall, "Y-Yeah.."

He cocked a smirk, "Something wrong, Princess?" Then he pushed me closer to the wall.

I shook my head, "N-No. Not at a-all. W-Why?"

"Because you stutter when something's wrong."

"D-Do not!" Whatever.

"Mhmm," He moved closer to me to the point I could no longer step ack. I was trapped.

'Z-Zane? What are y-you doing?"

"I know you'll fall for me one day, Princess. Not today, but one day. You act like it's an impossible act, but you and I both know you're weak at the heart when it comes to love. Take that kid Lucas for example. He's your best friend, but he treats you like a play toy. Why? Because you're an easy target. The outfit you're wearing today was enough to change a lot of hormonal struck guys into seeing you're a target too. Princess, you will fall for me. I know it."

I gulped, what the Hell..? He couldn't be serious... So I said something even the devil knows I shouldn't have, "Let's play a game. We cuddle, hug and kiss, whisper sweet things in the other's ear, hold hands, go on walks, text each other good morning and goodnight, get jealous when around other people, buy gifts, and always be together. Here's the twist, though, the one who falls in love first... loses."

"Deal" We shook on it and that was that.

Dear God, I think I just screwed over my life, "Now, My Princess. Would you like dinner? I'm cooking and I would love for you to join Chloe and I."



FINALLY! I Stopped Being Stupid And Made Them Have The Deal. Sorry For The Way This Book Has Been, I'm Seriously Thinking Of Rewriting It After I Finish. It's Sad When You're Working On A Different Story That You Aren't Uploading, And STILL Like It Better Than Your Main Story.. Dx

Well, Apologetic Snails, My Lovelies! <3

Nomatophobia, The Fear Of Names

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