Chapter 12: Bipolar, Lonely, And First Kisses

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Everyone had left and I was sitting on the couch, watching Scott Pilgrim. I love this movie, so what?

I'm surprised I haven't heard from my mom or John yet...

Crap, the phone...

I jumped up and found my phone.

4 missed calls and 6 messages... Dayum.

Mom: Pick up the damn phone

Mom: Where are you? Pick up the phone!

John: You will be fucking grounded little girl, pick up your damn phone.

Mom: Love you sweetie, call me when you can!

Mom: At the airport, call me soon. Love you


Bipolar much..?

I pressed her contact name and listened to the phone ringing




"Sorry Mom, my phone died and I couldn't find the charger..." I'm used to lying to them. No big deal.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. Well I just wanted to say I love you, don't destroy the house, and we'll take care of the bills"

"Oh ok. What was wrong Friday night?" I'm still curious...

"Oh nothing dear... Just jitters," Something was still wrong...

"Mom... Stop lying."

"Fine... Your Dad is getting out..." WHAT?! My Dad..? I can't... No... Please tell me she's lying...

"Mom, you're lying right..? Please say you are.."

"Um I'm sorry dear, we're" Paper crumbling "breaking up! Crumble "Talk to you soon!" She hung up.

No.. This can't be happening to me... Not Dad... Anyone but Dad...

Dear Lord... Help me..?


It's freaking Sunday and I'm going insane.

I. Can't. Do. This.

I fell onto the couch and groaned.


I might as well call Ash. That bitch has some explaining to do.

I picked up my phone and presses Ash's contact name.

Ring... Ring... Ring... "Hello?"

"Bitch, come over, we gotta tallkk!"

"K, be there in a few," she hung up and I closed my eyes and became daydreaming.

A few minutes later I heard Ash come in and felt her plop down beside me.

"Aye, are you awake?"

I groaned and sat up, "Yeah, now we talk."

She looked at me, waiting for me to say something.

"So are you and Brandon.. A thing now?"

She played with her fingers like she does when she's nervous, "I don't know really..."

I raised my eyebrow, "You don't know?"

She shook her head, "I think so... But we were both drunk... And..." She grabbed a pillow and groaned into it.

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