Chapter 8: Wattpad, Fake British Accents, And Cornflakes

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I flopped onto my bed and groaned.

I'd be alone from my family for a while freaking year. How could they do this to me?

I opened my laptop and checked by Wattpad, read a few comments, talked to a few fans, and read a couple chapters of one of the books I was reading.

It was Friday night and I'm sitting here bored as Hell. I could invite over Alex...

Nah, he's with Nathan...


Nah, he's probably getting laid...


Who the Hell knows where HE is...


I need more friends. I have Ash, Alex, Lucas, and I guess Brandon...

I finally gave in and called Ash.

"Babe, come over. I'm bored"

"Be there in 10. Don't miss me too much!" And with that, my little red head hung up.

I walked down to our 2nd floor into the theater and looked through movies.

Saw, Ted, Scott Pilgrim, Hunger Games, Lion King, Star Wars...

I was interrupted by Ash coming in.

"Knock knock, Bitch. I brought CDs and Dr Pepper!" She knows me too well...

"Yay!" She put the stuff on the couch and looked at me.

"What first?"

"Well what CDs did you bring?"

"Uhmm... I brought Set The World On Fire, We Stitch These Wounds, Minutes To Midnight, Let's Cheers To This, and a mix CD of P!atd"

"Hell yaasshhh!" I began dancing around the room as There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey You Just Haven't Figured It Out Yet began playing.

We both probably looked like complete idiots, but who cares?

After the song ended we were both in tears laughing and the phone rang.

I ran and got it.

"Ello, Love?" I faked a british accent.


"Oh hi mum"

"Cut it out" she snapped at me...

"Geez Mom, who shat in your cornflakes?" I said, cutting out the fake accent.

"Quiet! Just get your sister ready, we're leaving early," Something was wrong. Something bad.. I just couldn't quite figure it out yet...

"Alright... See you when you're here, Mom. Love y-"

She hung up before I could finish.


"What?" Ash was beyond confused.

"They're leaving tonight, but I think my mom is on her period. She's damn cranky."

"Well then... Make sure she packs plenty of tampons!"

"Haha... Well I've got to get Hallie ready. I'll be right back!"

"Ok bye!"

I ran out of the room and upstairs to the 3rd floor to Hallie's room.

I knocked,"Hallie?"

She opened the door,"Yes, Sissy?"

"You guys are leaving early..." I tried not to cry. I didn't want them to go to be truthful. Especially Hallie. I practically raised her...

"Aw ok..."

"You all packed up?" I said, trying to hide the sadness in my voice.

"Mommy and Daddy already have my stuff," She must have seem that I was sad, because she stood on her tip toes and hugged me. "It's alright, Sissy... We'll be back before you know it!"

I smiled and hugged her back,"I know, Hal, I know..."

I kissed her cheek before letting go of her,"Come on, Mommy and Daddy are here."

I grabbed her hand and we walked down to the first floor. I opened the door and saw my Mom and John's car. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I walked up to the car. I opened the door for Hallie and shut it for her, making sure she's buckled in.

"Alright Kodi, bye" My Mom's voice was stern. That's all she had to say?

"That's it?"

"Yes, I'll give you rules and shit later. Just move so we can leave," The fuck? She's... Something is wrong.

I watched them back out of our long driveway and Hallie waves at me. Another tear threatened to roll down and I blinked it away.

I walked back inside and went to the 2nd floor, back in the theater.

Ash must of seem my face so she came up and hugged me,"It's alright, Ko, they'll be back soon." She rubbed circles into my back.

"I-I know... But something's wrong.. My Mom barely said bye and John said nothing.." I said between sniffles.

"It's alright... They're probably just later for their flight," Sure... That's it... "Come on! Let's watch Scott Pilgrim, eat ice cream, and drink Dr Pepper. Sound good?"

"Bitch, you know me too well"



2 Chapters In One Day! :D

Some Clarifications:

For Those Of You Who Don't Know...

Set The World On Fire And We Stitch These Wounds Are Black Veil Brides CDs.

Minutes To Midnight Is A Linkin Park CD.

Let's Cheers To This Is A Sleeping With Sirens CD.

And There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Figured It Out Yet Is A Song By Panic! At The Disco :3

Whale Den...

Baii Mah Lovelies! <3



Cuz I Fucking Can c:

P.S.S. (Or P.P.S.?)


But shh... You didn't hear it from me o.o


The Fear That Somewhere, Somehow, A Duck Is Watching You. •~•

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