Chapter 21: Plastered Smiles, Dumbfounded Faces, And Janitor's Closets

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I got to school pretty early the next day because I forgot I didn't have Chloe to take...

I had already sent and recieved the good morning text for Zane, much to my dismise. Why did I make this fucking deal? We'll never EVER fall in love. Fuck.

I had decided to keep the same clothing approach and wore a tan cardigan over a cami and skinny jeans with white ballet flats.

When I walked in, I saw Zane walking towards me.

I must say, last night is a huge blur. I remember pulling up, making a deal with the devil, then eating amazing spaghetti...

I hadn't noticed that he slung his arm around me until he started talking, "So, Babe. You should sit by me at lunch today. I don't think I could stand not being with you. Last night was impossible."

Oh damn, he's taking this really fucking seriously, "I'd love too, Hun," I kissed his cheek, ew I hate myself, and slid my hand into his.

He smirked and pulled me close to him, whispering in my ear, "My lips are just a few centimeters from there, Love. Keep that in mind."

I thought I felt my cheeks heating up. Blushing? Now? No. No. No. No. NO.

He growled softly, "You're cute when you blush."

I plastered a smile on my face, "Thanks, Love."

The bell rang for first period and I don't think I ever have been this excited for band.

I walked in and took my seat. According to the board, it was another free play. I grabbed my Nancy Drew novel again, and headed to my usual spot.

I began reading, but what do you know, Blayne popped up, again, "Hello again."

Grr leave me alone, "Hi, Blayne."

He tilted my head up and looked at me, "You didn't tell me you and Zane were a thing."

I scooted back against the lockers, "Um... It kinda just happened."

He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it again and nodded. He then walked off to do whatever Blayne's do.

I was relieved read for the rest of the period.

When lunches rolled around, I was more than happy to escape everything. I slid into my usual chair and listened to my friends bicker over something. But I wasn't sure what of... Because I was to busy looking at Zane. Who was working his way over here.

He slid down next to me, making sure to get everyones attention, "Hey babe. I wanted you to sit with me, but I guess I'll just sit with you."

I put an annoyed smile on my face, "Ok, Love. Zane, this is Lucas. Next to him is Alex. Next to him is Nathan, his boyfriend. In front of Nathan is Brandon, Ash' boyfriend, and next to me is Ash. Who I assume you remember from the party."

His eyes widened at Ash. Yup, he remembered. Ash just grinned, taking a sip of her gatorade, "Nice to see you again, Zane."

I had already told Ash about the deal, but no one knew besides her. So seeing their dumbfounded faces was PRICELESS!

Zane leaned over, obviously aware of their astonishment, and pecked my cheek. Did I like the fact that it was ZANE doing it? No. Did I like the looks on my friend's faces? Yes. And the best part about this whole thing, was that Ash just sat there, drinking her gatorade as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

I leaned over and pecked his cheek back then whispered in his ear, "We need to talk."

He whispered back, "Come on then." He grabbed my hand and we both got up, "Sorry, I'm stealing her for a moment."

He held my hand and dragges me into a janitors closet. Then I snapped my hand away and glared at him, "I want to call off the deal."

He smirked, "Can't do that, Love. We made a deal and gave our word. One of us must fall in love."

Grr, "Fuck you."

"Anytime, Babe." He winked and I thought I was going to be sick.

I walked out of the closet and into the cafeteria. Zane following close behind. We slid back into our seats and my boys still had idiotic looks on their faces. I growled at them, "Shut your mouths. Y'all are going to catch flies."

They all shut their mouths and looked at me. So, I growled again, "Fuck off and eat your damn lunches."

I got up and walked out into the hall to wait for next period. Why does everyone have the ability to piss me the Hell off today? Like seriously, fuck off, or I'll bite your head off. Ok? Ok.

The bell rang for next period and I flew to my locker. I didn't want the chance of seeing anyone who will piss me off.





It's Been Nearly A Month Since I Last Updated... I'd Like To Blame Everything, Or Say I Was Busy, But I Really Haven't Been :/ Besides Kodi Being Over Most Of The Summer And A Bunch Of Family Problems, I Just Have Had Bad Writer's Block And Am Losing Inspiration...


Anywho, Until Next Time, My Lovelies <3

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