Chapter 13: Mockingbird, Camaros, And Disabled Ducks

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I took a moment for everything to sink it. The fact that my best friend stole my first kiss..

I didn't know whether I should be pissed off, or surprised.

To push him away and slap him, or kiss back.

I can't believe he did this, but I don't want things to be awkward between us.

I hate this, but yet, I love it just,the same...

I decided I'd push away... Best friends shouldn't act like this...

I moved my lips away from his gently and looked at him, "Lucas..."

Realization flashed in his eyes, then guilt, "K-Ko I'm so sorry! I shouldn't... I-I knew you were waiting... Don't know what h-happened... Please forgive me..." He stumbled with his words, not knowing what to say anymore.

"Luke... It's ok... I forgive you... It's not the end of the world ok?" I tried my best to hide my anger towards this subject, "Maybe you should go.."

He nodded then left quickly.

Alone again... What the Hell just happened? He was lost in the moment right? He doesn't actually like me... No, he's not like that...

I can't believe it... I'm trying so hard not to be pissed off... But why?

Because you liked it..

Shut up me!

UGGGHHH! I fell back on the couch and closed my eyes.


Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird

Ima give you the world

Ima buy a diamond for you

Ima sing for you

I'll do anything for you

To make you smile

I heard my phone going off.... With Dad's ringtone...

I shakily grabbed my phone and answered, "H-Hello?"

"Hello, Baby girl," His voice sounded deeper since the last time I heard it.

"H-Hi Dad..."

"You heard I'm getting out, right? I'll be seeing you real soon," His voice was still as scary as before, though...

"Y-Yeah, I did... W-When..?" How about never? That works.

"Soon, Princess, soon. Well I've got to go," he paused, "Tell your mother I say hi and tell Joh-"

I hung up on him before he could finish.

That fucking bastard. I would not tell my mom anything. He doesn't deserve it after what he did to us.

Sometimes at night I cry myself to sleep because of him. The constant nightmares of what he did to us. I still have scars, and will always have the memories. He should be in prison for life. No child nor mother should have to go through that...

He said it was my fault. He said I brought it upon myself. That I was a mistake and if it wasn't for me, they'd still be living the life, full of money and happiness. But no, I came along and ruined everything...

It's all my fault...

That's why he beat me. Why he beat my mom. Why I grew up in fear, believing that it was all my fault.

I didn't realize I was crying until my vision blurred out and I could no longer see.

I wiped my eyes with my jacket sleeve and sniffled.

Why is he getting out? He deserves nothing...

I should go out and do something. I shouldn't stay stuck up in here. I'll go insane...

I grabbed my keys and phone then walked out the door. Where to go? How about the park.

I got in my 1990 Camaro and stuck the keys into the ignition. I just need to get my thoughts straightened out... Maybe I'll just drive around town..

I pulled out of the driveway and and headed down the road. Why is everything happening all at once?

I drove around until I pulled into the park. I took the keys out of the ignition and opened the door. I saw little kids playing tag, swinging, doing the monkey bars, and then one little girl who was on her Dad's shoulders, pretending to be an airplane...

Seeing daughters and their fathers makes something inside of me die, knowing I'll never have a relationship with my Dad like that...

Ok that's enough.

I walked over to the lake and watched the ducks. One had a broken wing and the others kept taking its food...

Poor ducky...

The duck came up onto shore, wing sticking out in an awkward position, and pecked at leftover bread crumbs... He'll be ok...

I decided I might as well go now.

I got up from the bench I was sitting on and spotted Karmen, Penn, and Taylor walking over to me.

Now is so not the fucking time to piss me off.

Karmen was the first to speak, "I saw you with MY man Friday night AND Saturday night. You should find your own man, I don't share."

That bitch, "Oh I'm sorry, I've seen you sharing your legs with so many other guys, I thought sharing one other thing wouldn't bother anyone."

And with that, and her dumbfounded look, I turned on my heel and headed for the car.

How could that bitch think I liked Zane? Like really? Friday, he messed with me, and last night, we were just talking. At my house. Why the fuck was she even there anyways?

What is today? See How Pissed Kodi Can Get day? Did I miss that on the calender?

Gosh mother fucking damn.

I got in the car and started it up, pulling out quickly.

I pulled onto the highway, "Fuck Zane, fuck Karmen, fuck Dad, fuck everyone! Why can't they leave me alone!?"

I was ranting and was so angry, that I didn't see the car that drove into the incoming traffic.

The car hit head on and caused my car to tip over and theirs to roll. And roll, and roll, and roll, then stop.

I remember red.


Then it faded.



See? Longer And Surprising c:

Only, A Bad Surprise...


Please Don't Pelt Me With Tomatoes :c

I Still Love You Guys...

EhhhhhHhhHHHhHhh Don't Hurt Me >.<

Sorry It Was A Sorta Rushed Chapter... Someone, Not Going To Name Names (Katie_Slugger), Was Rushing Me By Texting Me Constantly.

Well, Rottweiler Pillows, My Lovelies <3

Geniophobia, The Fear Of Chins.

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