Chapter 9: Breakfast, Flirting, And Oj

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I woke up with Ash's legs draped over me.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it to be 10:07. Ugghh

I gently moved Ash's legs and got up to do my morning things.

I got a shower and got dressed. Then brushed my teeth and hair. I pulled my hair into a messy bun on the side of my head and decided to get breakfast. The maids were off for the weekend so it was all up to me.

I walked down to the kitchen and pulled out pancake mix, eggs, and bacon.

I began frying the bacon and starting the pancakes. I love cooking for some odd reason. Maybe I got it from my Dad...


I sighed and flipped a pancake when Ash lazily walked in.

"Mmm smells good. When will it be ready?"

"Soon" I said, putting a pancake on a plate.

"You should invite over everyone for breakfast... Since it's your first day alone." She yawned and ran her fingers through her hair.

I raised my eyebrow,"Who's 'everyone'?"

"Brandon, Alex, Nathan, Lucas," She said in "duhhh" tone.

"Alright," I put the bacon on the ate and slipped 2 more pancakes on a plate. "Make the eggs, Bitch," I winked and went out to the living room and pulled out my phone.

Breakfast with me and Asshhiee! Pancakes, bacon, and eggs! ~Ko

I sent it to the guys and waited for their response.

I heard my phone buzz and I checked the messages.

Alex: Mmm yummy! Nathan and I will be there in 10. Don't eat all the bacon, ya hog!

I smiled at his response.

Brandon: Sweet! Thx Ko! Be there soon! Tell Ash not to eat everything pllzzz! :D

If only he knew how much that Bitch cares for him... Clueless, clueless guys...

Lucas: I'll be over soon. I'm kinda doing something...

I quickly typed a response

Me: Who'd you screw this time? >.<

Lucas: No one...

Me: Lucas, damn you, tell me.

Lucas: It's no one..


Lucas: Fine...



Lucas: I'm sorry, Ko... Can I still come over?

Me: Yes, you dick. Now get your ass over here and don't screw around with bitches anymore. I hate that bitch.

Lucas: K, Babe c;

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the kitchen.

"They're all coming. Lucas has to get himself bitch cleaned," I said, rolling my eyes.

"What would you expect from him? But who was it?" She turned from the eggs and looked at me.

"Fucking Penn Tyler!"

Her eyes widened,"Penn Tyler? As in Karmen's posse, Penn Tyler?"

"Yup," I said, popping the "P".

"Damn, what he does to meet his standards... Why are we friends with him again?"

"Because we've known him since before he was a man-whore"

"Yeah... When he was the short, chubby, british boy..."

Lucas came to Kennedy Elementary in 4th grade. He was pretty short and chubby. He had brown hair and green eyes. He had just moved from London. He had a thick accent and most people picked on him for being different. Ash and I found him and immediately befriended him. He turned out to be really smart and funny. Apparently, he has 2 brothers and 1 sister. His sister, Hazel, is in college, and his brothers Jacob and Kortland, are twins in our grade.

Well now, Lucas has buffed up and is the star quarterback for the Kennedy Wolves. He is a total heartthrob for girls, but he doesn't believe in commitment. He's more of a One Night Stand, kinda guy. His accent has kind of faded, but it still lingers. He's also now really tall, and muscled out. If he wasn't one of my best friends, and I've seen his player ways, I probably would have ended up as one of his toys... Same with Ash.

But we see him as nothing more than a friend. Besides, she had her eyes on Brandon. And me? I have a life quote that I live by.

Fuck love, or it will fuck you.

It's true.

A doorbell snapped me out of my thoughts.

"One second!" I ran to the door and opened it to see Alex and Nathan, hand in hand.


"Alex! Nathan!" I giggled and hugged them both.

They sat down at the table and we all talked, waiting for the others to arrive.

I heard the doorbell ring again,and I got up.

I opened the door and saw Brandon.

"Hey!" I smiled and let him through, then say down waiting for Lucas.

They went into a conversation about cows or something and Ash was, of course, seated by Brandon and flirting like crazy.

This was her: Oh yeah! Tehe! Hair flip! Blah blah blah...

I hated her like this.

Finally, I hears a doorbell and opened the door to see Lucas.

"Well, took you long enough..."

"Whatever, Babe. I'm hungry," He say down in the middle of Nathan and I.

I gave everyone their plates and made them Oj.

"It's good to have everyone together again!" I said, smiling and sipping my juice.

"So what's the occasion?" Brandon asked, being the only one not stuffing his face.

"I'm living here by myself for a year..."

Alex and Nathan looked at me, Brandon's jaw went slack, and Lucas did a spit take.

As if on cue, the 4 boys both screamed.




Dammnnn! 3rd Update TODAY!

WOOOOOO! Ok Well This Showed You More Of Lucas's Back Story.

Well I Don't Have Much To Say Besides The Fact That, I Have 15 Readers!

I Know That Isn't A Lot. I Know Ok? But To Me, That's Amazing... I Love You Guys c:

Alright, Well Purple Watermelons, My Lovelies! <3


If You Couldn't Tell... Something Has Happened To Her Dad... HINT HINT!


The fear of being single forever

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