Chapter 15: Guilt, Panic Buttons, And Talking Oranges

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~One Week Later~

"Ok Dear, you can see him now," The nurse said before stepping aside and letting me into the room.

I nodded at her and walked into the room. My heart was racing. Why? Because I just stepped into the room of the bad boy whose parents I killed.

Zane was still in a coma and hasn't woken up yet. I was getting worried. Sure, I hated the guy, but I don't want him dead...

A ping a guilt pounded through my chest when I saw him laying there motionless. The only certain show he was alive was the annual rise and fall of his chest.

I walked over to the side of his bed and tried not to cry. Even though I hated him, this was too much to take. He could have died because of me. This is all my fault. I was too overcome by my own anger to see the car. Even if it was a drunk driver. What was he doing with his drunk dad?

I sniffled and shook away my thoughts, "Hey, Zane... I-I can't believe you're laying here, motionless. You're usual so cocky and annoying," I cracked a small smile. "It's weird seeing you like this. I can honestly say I can't stand seeing you like this. You're too calm. I know we aren't friends, or even close to that, but I still wanted to come see you. Your, uh, sister is staying with me for a little while, I figured you'd like that. She's, um, here..." I turned and looked at Chloe who had fresh tears in her eyes. "Chloe, you want to say anything?"

She nodded and walked over to her brother, "H-Hi Bubba. I really m-miss you," her voice cracked, "Please come back soon! I love you. Kodi is really nice, she's letting me stay with her while you're gone. I miss you, Bubba, and I miss mommy and daddy!" She started crying and I pulled her into me and hugged her, rubbing circles into her back and telling her it would be ok. "Thank you, Kodi. You're my new sissy." She hugged me and I felt myself beginning to tear up again. She then ran off and sat down in a chair, looking at a magazine.

I wiped away my fresh tears and looked at Zane. He looks so helpless. I wonder if Karmen has even came to visit him. Probably not. She probably doesn't even know.

"Zane, you're lucky to have such an amazing little sister. She's a real cutie," I bit on my lower lip, trying to choose my words wisely, "You know, I'm really sorry. I never ment for anything like this to happen. I was just so caught up and I didn't see the car. I'm sorry about your parents. I'm sorry about this!" I began tearing up again, "I know you can't hear me, but I wanted to get this all out," I closed my eyes and layed my head on the bed and breathed in and out slowly.

I felt something cold grab my hand and I figured it was Chloe, "Not now, Chloe."

I heard her little voice from across the room, "Not now what?"

Wait... What?

I looked up and saw Zane holding my hand. He was looking right at me, "Princess..." His voice was raspy and weak. Chloe probably couldn't even hear him, "Come here..."

I bit my lip and leaned forward toward him, "Y-Yes..?"

He licked his lips and his eyes seemed to stare through mine and into my soul, "Listen to me, Princess. Take good care of my Chloe."

As if in slow motion, I saw his eyes roll back into his head and the hand that was holding my own, went limp, "No no no no no!" I pressed the panic button the bed multiple times, "No! He woke up!"

Nurses came into the room and wheeled Zane out. The one from earlier looked at me with sincerity in her eyes, "I'm sorry Dear, sometimes they wake up then slip back in, but he woke up, so that's good news. Don't worry, your boyfriend will be ok."

I didn't have the energy to correct her so I just nodded, "Come on Chloe, we're going now."

She nodded and put the magazine up then skipped over to me. We walked out of the hospital in got inside one of the other cars I own. I started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

Chloe's little voice caught me off guard, "Kodi..? Is Zane your boyfriend?"

I felt blood rushing to my cheeks, "No sweetie, he isn't. We're just friends I guess."

She nodded then looked out the window.

Where did that come from? Also, why did I blush at her question? How does a 7 year old find a question like that? And why did I say we were friends? I actually quite hate him, but I guess I couldn't tell Chloe that, now could I?

I sighed and pulled into my driveway and turned off the car. Chloe bounced out and ran to the front steps. She has been her for about a week now and has grown to love it. She has come to grow on me, Ash, and Luke. Ash hates kids and Chloe has even grown on her.

I unlocked the door and Chloe skipped inside and ran up the stairs into her room, the guest room. I brought in most of Hallie's barbies and things for her to play with.

I walked into the living room and plopped onto the couch. I turned on the TV but wasn't really paying attention to what was on. Something about a talking orange or something.

I just can't get over how today went. From what I said to Zane, to what Chloe said to him, to what she said to me, to what he said to me... I just can't stop thinking about it. It's so fucking mind racking.

I didn't realize I had drifted to sleep until I felt something kiss my forehead and heard a tiny voice talk.

"Goodnight, sissy."



Look! I'm Alive! I'm Sorry This Took FOREVER But A Lot Happened.

First Day Of Summer Vacation I Was At The Beach Until Sunday. During That, My Phone Broke And Wouldn't Charge. So I Didn't Even Have A Phone For A While. Then My Step Mom Came By And Dropped A New Phone. A.K.A. A Slide Phone That Isn't Touch Screen So No WattPad :c And Btw, I Don't Write On The Computer Because My Computer Is Jacked Up.

Well I'm At My Grandma's House And Looking At WattPad On The Computer And That's How I Updated My Bio And Status.

Well This Morning When I Woke Up, My Grandma Said My Dad Left A Phone For Me On The Computer Desk. I Went And Saw This Phone. Some Crappy Dinosaur. BUT A Touch Screen Dinosaur c; So I'm Officially Back!

Well To The Story, I Started Tearing Up Writing This :'c

Well Touch Screen Dinosaurs, My Lovelies!

Logic, The Fear Of Chuck Norris c:

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