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You kept a quick jogging pace to get back to Jimmy and Rachel and also to flee from the first aid so Kaito couldn't blame you. Wait- no that's wrong... the amazing anonymous never flees! Let's try that again:

You kept a quick jogging pace to get back to Jimmy and Rachel leaving the first aid at your back.


You quickly slowed down as soon as your two friends came into view, you aren't someone who can run, being 'sickly' and all. "Jimmy-kun! Rachel-chan!" you called out, giving a small wave to get their attention. Once the two other teens spotted you they walked over to you and smiled.

"Hey (Your Name)-chan, welcome back!" Rachel smiled patting you on the shoulder lightly.

"Sooooooo what happened huh? Did the guy you back hand die of blood loss? Is there need for a murder investigation?" Jimmy cooed sarcastically as you sweatdroped.

"No need for that Jimmy-kun. He's perfectly fine." you said with a slight chidish pout to which Jimmy just laughed off.

Rachel chuckled. "That's good to hear... but what about you (Your Name)-chan? Are you feeling alright? You're sweating an awful lot..." she muttered with a hint of concern in her tone.

"I'm fine, it's just you see... um- er-..." you quickly tried to sort through your brain for a good excuse when you came up with the perfect one. "You see I had to help support the guy to first aid and it took a lot more energy then I thought it would." You said with a small chuckle.

"Do you need to sit down and take a rest for a while?" Rachel asked to which you shook your head in the negative.

"I should be fine."

"Woooooow hit them in the face, make them bleed and make them unable to walk on there own. Good going (Your Name), such amaaaazing skills~ ...OUCH!" Jimmy taunted gaining a slap to the back of his head from Rachel. "What the heck was that for Rach!?"

Rachel scoffed before flipping some of her loose strands of hair back over her shoulder.

"THAT was for being a jerk Jimmy! You really need to watch what you say... didn't any one ever teach you what manners were!?"

"They did teach me..." Jimmy muttered before continuing. "They taught me it's not nice to hit brilliant people on the head with monstrous gorilla strength!" he quipped before sticking his tongue out.

The two argued a bit longer, gaining odd glances from various customers *once again*. You on the other hand just laughed at the two while you calmly waited for them to finish.

Well... at least that HAD been your plan. It had now been 20 minutes and you couldn't wait any longer your patience had run out.

You walked over to the two and tapped them on the shoulder, gaining both of their scowling attention.

"What?!?" the two snapped simultaneously causing you to sigh.

"Guys... you have been arguing long enough if this goes on any longer park security might get dragged in." you said blandly as you pointed to the approaching figures of authority here at tropical land... two dudes with security pins, floral Hawaiian shirts and sodas in hand. How horrifying... help we could neeeeever take them on. They are much too strong. There carefree level is over 9000!

Due to the 'menacing aura' of the approaching authority figures, Rachel and Jimmy quickly calmed down.

The three of you quickly fled the scene of the crime. What crime you ask? The crime of disturbing the peace obviously... not like theme park were 'peaceful' buuuuuut you didn't want to push your luck with those oh soooooo menacing security guards.

While walking to the nearest vending machine you noticed that even though they were no longer arguing your two friends were ignoring each other.

And by ignore I mean making eye contact only to glare or stick there tongue out at each other then turn away with their noses in the air... only to repeat the process over and over and so many dull times OVER!

I mean you won't lie, it WAS kind of funny to watch. At least for the first 5 minutes. Now? It was just a pain. So you, being the loving kind friend decided to try and step in. "How about you two apologize to each other and make up?" You suggested with the kindest smile you could muster in your annoyed state.

"Whaaaaat no way! She started it!" Jimmy whined, sticking his nose up.

"It's all this jerks fault anyways!" Rachel groaned before turning away.

And next came your favorite pass time of all... awkward silence! Joy. You considered pulling their ears or putting them in a full nelson until they apologized but, obviously, sickly people can't do those kinds of things.


You would have to the next best thing.

You turned around with a little sniff before rubbing your eyes.

"I j-just wanted to come here and have fun... with the t-two of you. *sniff* but... but..." you said i a slightly choppy voice adding sniffles in between words before sitting down and covering your face with your hands... letting out the full water works. "I g-guess that will n-n-never happen since the only *sob* the only thing you two ever do is argue.*sob sob* can't we all just- just get along? *sob* Is that t-too much to ask?" you whine, full on crying now.

Random people were now muttering things like 'poor thing' and 'how awful' along with saying things like 'what rude jerks' while pointing at you, Jimmy and Rachel. Oh crap... let's just hope you didn't go too overboard with your little act hehe...

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I didn't know you felt so strongly about this!" Rachel said, sobbing, before giving you yet another bone crushing hug.

"I-it's okay." you said with a slight sniffle before smiling as weakly as you could manage.

"I guess... I'msorryJimmy. There." Rachel quickly blurted out.

"I'm sorry too... I guess." Jimmy grumbled while looking away. Perfect now everything was better.

After their long argument Jimmy was able to convince Rachel to go to Horror and Fantasy land since if you went to every section of the park it would have been closed by the time you would arrive there. Rachel *grudgingly* agreed... once you also started bugging her to go that is.

Continuing on you finally reached the place you had been waiting for all day... Horror and FantasyLland!!! Jimmy practically dragged you and Rachel on a bunch of rides like another roller coaster and the haunted house (to which you had to act 'very terrified') before finally arriving at some appellation looking ride. "Hey! lets go on this!" Rachel said, pointing to it.

"Psh... that looks pathetic." Jimmy huffed.

"TOO BAD! I need a break!" Rachel countered entering the line as Jimmy followed behind grumbling. You simply followed behind giggling at Jimmy's reaction. This ride seemed fairly simple... you ride it up to the top where you get out for a walk through area/ viewing platform before getting on the second part of the ride to take you back down. Taking your place in the third seat of the back row in the 8 seat car you waited patiently for the ride to start.

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant